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3 discussion posts
I cannot find any answer specific to my situation so I'll try to explain it as good as I can
I have 2 screens, my main screen wich is 38" 3840x1600 160hz and the second screen I have (49" 5120x1440 240hz) is bolted to a sim racing rig so here is my question
i would like to run all my sim racing games (like assetto corsa, iracing,f1 22 etc) on my 49" while all other games (Dayz, Elite dangerous, DCS, Ark etc etc) would run on my primary, most of those games are on steam, I've used the steam Big Picture technique to start games on my second monitor, but it seems to keep switching it (monitor2) to primary.
Also I would like to have my 2 screens working independently, I mean when I use one, the other would be off (as I dont need 2 screens from different resolutions working at the same time especially when I cannot see both of them at the same time because my simrig is on the side of my desk)
SO to summarize here is what I would like to do :
1-Run Simracing games on screen 2 (49")
2-Run all other games on screen 1 (38")
3-make the monitor not used to turn off to save power on GPU
4-being able to open anything I need on the screen I'm currently using (if on monitor 2, opening internet or a folder would open it on monitor 2 and vice versa)
basically act if I have only 1 monitor but that can "change" settings (from 3840x1600 160hz to 5120x1440 240hz)
is there any way to do this ?
Thanks for your help
attached is a screen capture of my 2 screens as I would like them to be (talking about the taskbar here)
• Attachment [protected]: screen.jpg [1,640,175 bytes]
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 12, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
1 & 2) Many full screen games will force themselves to the primary monitor, DisplayFusion won't be able to help here unfortunately

3) You can use our monitor profiles (guide on them here: to disable the monitor when you don't want it used, and load the profile via a hotkey

4) You can create a trigger (guide on that here: that uses the "Window Created" event, and applies to any program in the "Program Filename" match condition. You can then add the "Move window to mouse cursor monitor" action, and it should move any window opened.

Hope that helps!
Apr 12, 2023  • #2
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3 discussion posts
thanks for your help, for 1 and 2 would it be usefull if I run the games in fullscreen windowed mode ?
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 12, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
That might do it, if you would like to test it out just let me know and I can send over a 30 day trial key. You can create a trigger that uses the "Window Created" event, and add in the game to the "Process Filename" match condition. You can then add the monitor you want it moved to in the action menu, and see if it moves it over when launched.
Apr 13, 2023  • #4
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3 discussion posts
I've already purchased the software before I asked my question, I was away for a few days but I'll try what you recommend

Apr 18, 2023  • #5
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1 discussion post
1 & 2) Many full screen games will force themselves to the primary monitor, DisplayFusion won't be able to help here unfortunately

3) You can use our monitor profiles (guide on them here: to disable the monitor when you don't want it used, and load the profile via a hotkey

4) You can create a trigger (guide on that here: stars) that uses the "Window Created" event, and applies to any program in the "Program Filename" match condition. You can then add the "Move window to mouse cursor monitor" action, and it should move any window opened.

Hope that helps!

Jan 31, 2024  • #6
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