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5 discussion posts
I have DisplayFusionPro v2.1.1 installed. My primary monitor is a 1024x768 VGA display; the secondary monitor is an HD Sony XBR4 1920x1080 connected via HDMI cable.

I have a problem that there is a small white rectangle (about .5" square on a 52" screen) near the left edge, about 2/3 of the way down from the top. Whether I have a clear background or random background, I have the same issue since the rectangle is apparently "above" the background.

This rectangle is covered up by any application that I put in that area, but is always visible when no application sits in that area. Is this some sort of "feature" that could be turned off? Since the monitors and the system are both on almost all the time, I am concerned about burn-in on the white area. (Yeah, a screen saver also removes the effect, but since the system is actually used most of the day and night, the screen saver seldom checks in. And besides, this would only alter the burn-in, not remove it.)

One solution is to always make sure that the area's covered by some application, but that seems rather silly since the rectangle probably shouldn't be there in the first place.

What can I do?

May 1, 2008  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That is very strange - is the white square part of the background image, or is it something else? Can you send me a compressed copy of your wallpaper image that is generated by DisplayFusion? You can find it here:
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\CustomWallpaper.bmp

This is for Windows XP and will differ a bit if you are using Windows Vista (C:\Users\[username]...)

May 1, 2008  • #2
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5 discussion posts
Thanks, Jon. The image is on its way to you now. The rectangle does not appear in the C:\Users\Dennis\Application Data\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\CustomWallpaper.bmp file (which I sent to you), but I have also sent you a Snag-It screen capture that does show the "fault." :?

All advice welcomed!

May 2, 2008  • #3
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Are you running Vista or XP?

Does the square show up without DF?

If it does, check your web background settings.

On XP: Right click desktop propertiesdesktop tab

Customize (at the bottom)web tab
make sure nothing is marked.

Only thing that I can think of off the top of my head that wouldn't be in the quick cache......
May 2, 2008  • #4
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5 discussion posts
Thank you very much for your response, PYROBOB.

I am running Vista, and without DF I don't (think I can) see the second display at all.

Having said that, I have now found the problem, and it's not associated with DF at all! I had all applications closed and yet the block appeared, so I was leaning toward this being a DF fault. However, after I sent this to the forum, I realized that I still had gadgets opened. Closing them one at a time, I found the one that was causing the difficulty. That gadget it now updated, the block is gone, and I'm happy.

I'm very sorry to have troubled this list with a problem that didn't belong here. :-o I will leave it to the Moderator to determine whether to delete or mark this thread completed.

May 2, 2008  • #5
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
You have to be able to without DF, otherwise DF has nothing to use. DF changes the wallpapers, not the settings, but that is regardless.

I (we?) am glad you solved your issue. Make sure to come back if you do have any issues or ideas though, as it is always welcome.

(the above post is in no way the words of BF, nor JT)
May 2, 2008  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm glad to hear it is all worked out! Thanks again Pyrobob, you always jump in when I get tied up and save the day. :)
May 3, 2008  • #7
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