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Hey guys.

I am using 2 monitors, so...

First of, when I am in a game or Full Screen MOde for a movie, I press the option Menu (, the taskbar appears. Some fix for that?

Also the sound menu on my second taskbar is delayd and pops up randomly on one of the screen.

Sometimes, when I use the sound menu fromt he first display, it opens delayd on the second screen.

Is there a fix, for costum designs? When I open 3 tabs of chrome, it looks like this on my second taskbar.

When I open 2 tabs, it looks like this on my second monitor.

Is there a way to fix it?

Apr 7, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've reproduced the issue with the tray overflow and added it to our list. We'll let you know when we're able to fix that up.

I couldn't reproduce the second issue with the volume control tray icon though. It is a bit delayed, but that's expected as I believe we have to try opening the window, then poll for it before moving it. However, mine always opens on the correct monitor. Could you attach a screenshot of your monitor layout?

For the taskbar button issue, it looks like you pasted the same screenshot URL twice. Could you fix it up so that I can compare the two buttons? :)

Apr 8, 2014  • #2
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So, the problem with sound ...

On the first screen, it mostly work and pops up instantly over the icon.
on the second screen, the sound options open delayd, like 1 second.

Also, its sometime more left or so.
Apr 8, 2014  • #3
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Also, when I am in a game, for example "League of Legends" and I Alt+ Tab, I get the menu without seeing a picture of the current state of the programms. Also it displays all program (screen 1 + 2)

And when I am on desktop and I ALT+ Tab I see only all all content + picture from the first desktop(screen ^1)
Apr 8, 2014  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have the Alt-Tab Handler enabled on the Settings > Window Management tab? At the moment, it should always show the windows from all monitors.

Regarding the taskbar button issue, could you link me to the custom theme so that I can try it out here?

Apr 9, 2014  • #5
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Dont have any option for that ...

Running the steam version currently.

You have to pay 1 Dollar for the Theme. Mail me: and I will send it to you :)
Apr 9, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, email sent!

Sorry about the alt-tab handler thing, I should have mentioned, that option is in the latest 6.0 beta. You can update by enabling the beta update checks on the Settings > Options tab, then clicking the Check for Updates button :)

Apr 10, 2014  • #7
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Just updated, still have this weird alt+tab bug? I only see the program from my main monitor, but I want to see all

Also, why is everything deleyd on my second monitor? Can I fix it somehow?

And, the taskbar is somehow broken, when watching a video on youtube and going to the other monitor, you can see the taskbar...

Please tell me a work-arround
Apr 16, 2014  • #8
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Also, when I click on the audio bar icon, when I press the notifcation button, its start to shake like crazy.

Besides that, I love the new update.
Apr 16, 2014  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Are you currently on the latest DisplayFusion 6.0 Beta? If not, could you update from here:, then make sure the Alt-Tab Handler option is enabled on the Settings > Window Management tab?

For the taskbar thing, you can prevent it from coming to the front of full screen video by disabling the "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" option on the Settings > Taskbar tab.

You mentioned that everything is delayed on the second monitor? Could you check to see if that still happens after updating to 6.0 Beta 4, and if it does, would you be able to grab a video capture of the issue?

Could you also grab a video capture of the volume control issue if possible?
Apr 17, 2014  • #10
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Everything is fixd besides, I dont have a alt + tab option to come on the display.

Also, I am on 6.0 beta and I still have this delay and strange behaviour on the taskbar.

Still great product!
Apr 17, 2014  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, awesome! Alt-Tab per-monitor is coming in a later version :)

For the taskbar performance issues, could you try enabling the Processor Affinity option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window, then restart DisplayFusion to see if that helps at all?

Apr 17, 2014  • #12
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Still dont work :/

Its still delayd for 0,5-1 seconds.

Not sure why
Apr 18, 2014  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you be able to attach a video capture of the taskbar delay issues?
Apr 21, 2014  • #14
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I hope this helps!

Its a gif I created for you guys.
Apr 22, 2014  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, ok, thanks! Is it only the Volume control that has that delay?
Apr 23, 2014  • #16
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Yes sir,

also how can I fix the taskbar, when I ALT+Tab out of a borderless window programm.

Apr 29, 2014 (modified Apr 29, 2014)  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Is that the Windows taskbar on the monitor with LoL, or the DisplayFusion taskbar?
Apr 30, 2014  • #18
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Well, I have no clue, how I can check or change that.

Would you mind to tell me?
Apr 30, 2014  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! Just right-click in some blank space on the taskbar. If the DisplayFusion context menu comes up (has the Settings, Wallpaper, Taskbar sub-menus etc) then it's the DisplayFusion taskbar.
May 1, 2014  • #20
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Hey, its not coming up, how can I change i to the Displayfusion Taskbar.

Also, did you find a fix for my sound icon?
May 1, 2014  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If you move the Windows taskbar to the other monitor (steps below), then the DF taskbar will reload itself on the opposite monitor as well. You can then disable the "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications" option on the Settings > Taskbar tab to avoid it coming to the front when you alt-tab out of LoL.

We're looking into the Volume control thing still as well. We had tried to make it open quicker in the past but didn't have any luck, but we're re-visiting it again to see if we might have missed something :)
May 1, 2014  • #22
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Well maybe I am retarded, but how can I use all taskbars from displayfusion.

I can move the right taskbar (main monitor) to the left one and the right one gets the displayfusion taskbar, but the left now has the windows Taskbar.

Thanks for help!
May 1, 2014  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not really supported, but you can replace the Windows taskbar with the DF one with a bit of work. I posted some steps in #6 of the following thread if you want to try it out:
May 1, 2014  • #24
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Maybe I will try it out, when I have more time.

Thanks anyway, its funny, now the right monitor(DF Taskbar) has the audio icon problem.
May 1, 2014  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, the audio icon problem is just an issue with the way that we need to call it on the DisplayFusion taskbar. We'll let you know if we're able to do anything there to speed it up :)
May 1, 2014  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, we were able to make the tray Volume control open quicker, and position it better. That fix will be included in 6.0 Beta 6 when it's released :)

May 2, 2014  • #27
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15 discussion posts
Thank you so much!
You are the best
May 2, 2014  • #28
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