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17 discussion posts
It appears that some compatibility options in DisplayFusion are not functional for 64-bit applications. I have installed a 64-bit web browser and want to exclude this from the middle mouse on titlebar move as well as fullscreen move, but the options are not picked up.
The same settings for a 32-bit version of the browser do work.

Is this possibly related to that DisplayFusion installs in C:\Program Files (x86)\, but the 64-bit app in C:\Program Files ?

The titlebar overlay compatibility options at least do work: I have a horizontal offset for them and this works identically across 32-bit and 64-bit.
Feb 1, 2011  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Which 64bit application are you trying to use, and what version of Windows? Also, are you using DisplayFusion Beta 16?
Feb 1, 2011  • #2
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Minefield (Mozilla x64), on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. But Internet Explorer in its 64-bit incarnation has the same issue, as well as at least one other app.
Beta 16 is installed.
Feb 2, 2011  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you post the information from the Troubleshooting tab in the DisplayFusion Settings window?
Feb 2, 2011  • #4
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Log attached, it is too big for the post.

64-bit apps that do not listen to my preference to not use the middle click window move are C:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe (64-bit Opera) and C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (64-bit MSIE).

This is from my work PC, my home PC has the same behaviour.
Feb 2, 2011  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've tested this out, and it appears to work as expected on my machine. I have only tested with IE x86 and x64, I can't seem to find an x64 version of Opera anywhere. When I disable the middle-click moving for IE x64, it no longer responds to middle-clicks on the titlebar (as expected). Are these applications virtualized at all, or possibly running under a different process somehow (sandboxed or something)?
Feb 2, 2011  • #6
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I'm running the apps under my normal user account, which is a Windows7 administrator (with UAC enabled and set to the second-lowest setting).
Hope you don't mind, but I've removed the log from the above post since I noticed some personal info is in there.

I just updated DisplayFusion to by the way, same behaviour. The 32-bit apps work as expected, but on a 64-bit MSIE I can still move by using the middle mouse even though this option is unselected.
Feb 2, 2011  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delay, but can you try updating to the newly released version 3.3? Thanks!
Feb 28, 2011  • #8
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Thanks for the reply.

I am not altogether sure what happened: now the compatibility option doesn't work at all any longer, for 32-bit or 64-bit apps likewise.
If I disable middle-click window moving globally under 'Window Management' the option is properly disabled, but I can no longer exclude single applications with the compatibility options.
I tested this with a number of them, including MSIE 32-bit, MSIE 64-bit, Notepad.exe, Explorer.exe (Windows Explorer) -- none seem to accept the compatibility option any more.
Feb 28, 2011  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry for the delay, but can you try the new Beta 6 and see if it helps? It has some hooking related fixes. :)
Apr 6, 2011  • #10
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Hi Jon,

I've updated to beta 6, but unfortunately it makes no difference. Just to make sure I've uninstalled Stardock's WindowBlinds and CursorFX, but apparently they aren't the cause of this either.

Thanks for still looking into this.
Apr 7, 2011  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hi jordi,

We've made some more improvements and Beta 10 was just released today. Could you try updating to that version and let me know how it goes? If it's still broken we may want to try uninstalling DisplayFusion, clearing the old settings out and reinstalling it. But if it comes to that I'll help you through it :)

Apr 22, 2011  • #12
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Hi Keith :)

Sorry for the late reply, I was away for a few days so only saw this yesterday.
I have updated to the last beta version (3.3.1 b11), but it makes no difference.

If you can tell me what steps I need to take to do a full uninstall, I'd be happy to give it a try.
Apr 27, 2011  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sure can! How comfortable are you with registry editing?
Apr 27, 2011  • #14
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Sorry for the delay, I'm home now so I can work on this. :)

I have no problems working with regedit, as long as I know what I'm looking for.

//Edit, did some hunting and found the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software] tree. I deleted it, reinstalled DF, and found something weird.

If I add a compatibility option for no middle click moving for 32-bit apps it briefly works, but after some time the option stops working for most apps (and never does for 64-bit apps). I need to close DisplayFusion and delete its keys in the registry, then on restart it'll briefly work again before breaking.
Not 100% sure yet, but it seems to break for most apps (well, any app except 32-bit MSIE so far) as soon as I add any compatibility option for a 64-bit app. Removing this compatibility option will not make the 32-bit ones work again.
Apr 27, 2011  • #15
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I've tested this out, and it appears to work as expected on my machine. I have only tested with IE x86 and x64, I can't seem to find an x64 version of Opera anywhere. When I disable the middle-click moving for IE x64, it no longer responds to middle-clicks on the titlebar (as expected). Are these applications virtualized at all, or possibly running under a different process somehow (sandboxed or something)?

Opera only comes in 32bit.
Apr 27, 2011  • #16
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Opera only comes in 32bit.
Closed beta. Anyway Mozilla Firefox has Minefield, MSIE has a 64-bit version as well. I also have other 64-bit apps that are not browsers which exhibit the same behaviour, e.g. ComicRack, Photoshop CS5, Piriform Defraggler, 7-Zip, etc..
Apr 27, 2011  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! I still can't reproduce the issue here but I'll see if we can figure it out based on what's happening on your machine.

Can you try the following?
  • Uninstall DisplayFusion
  • Delete the DisplayFusion registry key
  • Delete the %APPDATA%\DisplayFusion folder
  • Delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion folder
  • Reinstall DisplayFusion
  • Enable debug logging
  • Reproduce the issue
  • Email the debug log to

Follow the steps below to enable debug logging in DisplayFusion:

  • Open the DisplayFusion settings
  • Click the Troubleshooting tab
  • Check the “Enable debug logging” box
  • Produce the issue
  • Click the “Open Log Location” button
  • Email the “DisplayFusion.log” text file to

Apr 27, 2011  • #18
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Log sent just now.
May 2, 2011  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I finally got a chance to test this and I can definitely reproduce it. I've added it to our list of things to be fixed and will follow up when we find a solution so that you can test it out.

May 4, 2011  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I should note that I reproduced the issue without even adding the compatibility option for IE 64-bit. I just did the following:

- Added the middle-click move disable option for 32-bit Firefox (worked fine)
- Added the middle-click move disable option for 32-bit IE (worked fine, but now the Firefox compatibility setting doesn't work)
May 4, 2011  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good news! We've fixed up the issue in 3.3.1 Beta 14. Could you please test it out and let me know if the issue is resolved for you as well?

May 5, 2011  • #22
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Confirmed fixed!

Thanks a lot for the support. :-)
May 5, 2011  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, glad to hear it's working. Thanks for your patience and all of your help in getting the issue resolved!
May 5, 2011  • #24
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17 discussion posts
Read the thread, it's been fixed.
May 6, 2011  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, that guy was a spammer and posted a bunch of junk all over the forum... had to delete his account.
May 6, 2011  • #26
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