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9 discussion posts

First of all nice work... with each beta the tool gets cooler. :-)

Here some inconsistencies I found during my latest checking (I use latest beta build on Windows 7 32-bit):
* I use full buttons on the taskbar (so not only the icon but icon+text) and in that case buttons from the same app are grouped in 1 button, but not like Windows 7 taskbar, which connects the buttons but keeps all buttons visible. (see attached screenshot)
* also in this case (icon+text per button) the preview windows are not like Windows 7 it does... icon + text/caption should not be shown in this case, and preview
* I use Trillian, and the taskbar button of the contacts-window shows both the 32 and 16 size icon. (see screenshot)
* for the moment the right-click menu of the displayfusion taskbar is with lots of icons and has About, Exit, ... . I was wondering if we could make it more Windows 7 like, meaning no icons, clean, plain and simple. Also About, Exit,... should not be there I think as you can access to items from the systray icon. Right? :-)

Hope you can check this out and let me know...
Br, T
• Attachment: grouping as it should.jpg [53,784 bytes]
grouping as it should.jpg
grouping as it should.jpg
• Attachment: trillian.jpg [3,632 bytes]
Jul 21, 2011  • #1
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256 discussion posts
* I use full buttons on the taskbar (so not only the icon but icon+text) and in that case buttons from the same app are grouped in 1 button, but not like Windows 7 taskbar, which connects the buttons but keeps all buttons visible. (see attached screenshot)
* also in this case (icon+text per button) the preview windows are not like Windows 7 it does... icon + text/caption should not be shown in this case, and preview

I think the window caption was added after I made the request, so maybe I can comment more on this. In Icon/Text mode, the Win7 taskbar does not display the caption by default. However, when it has to collapse the taskbar icons into a group, then the caption is displayed.

DF doesn't seem to have the "in-between" setting for taskbar buttons of "Combine when taskbar is full". I assume it's on Jon's list somewhere... :)
Jul 21, 2011  • #2
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9 discussion posts

Hope that Jon can look into this. :-)

Found another glitch... Outlook 2010 splash screen... see attached screenshot. Bug? Or can this be fixed by setting a per appl setting or something to avoid this?

• Attachment: OL2010.jpg [27,104 bytes]
Jul 21, 2011  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'll see what we can do about fixing the Outlook splash screen, I've logged the issue. :) As for the issues in the first post, I'll check those out soon as well. Thanks!
Jul 26, 2011 (modified Jul 26, 2011)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added the other stuff to the list, and we do already have the "Combine when full" option on our list of things to do, so it will get in there eventually :)

As for the Trillian issue, I've tested with the following environment and couldn't reproduce it:

- Windows 7 x64
- DisplayFusion 3.4.0 Beta 11
- Trillian 5.0 Build 34 Free

Is your environment different from what I've listed above at all?

Aug 3, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Actually, I just figured out what's up with Trillian. It seems to be setting icon overlays for the statuses. The icon you're seeing is the one for the Invisible status. However, these overlays don't show up on the Windows 7 taskbar, so I'll add it to our list of compatibility issues to fix.

Aug 3, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just another quick follow-up, those Trillian overlays actually show up on the native Windows taskbar as well, so I believe they're intended to be there by the Trillian developers.
Aug 26, 2011  • #7
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9 discussion posts
I don't have the same issue on my Windows 7 native taskbar... there I see normal behaviour as it should.
It is only on the DF taskbar I see those extra overlays.
Aug 27, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I tested using the latest version of Trillian, and with DisplayFusion closed, and those icon overlays came up on the Windows 7 taskbar. Can you make sure you have the latest version of Trillian, and test it with DisplayFusion closed?

Aug 29, 2011  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion Discussions, this topic is being marked as Complete as it hasn't received a response for more than 30 days. If you're still having trouble and would like some help, just let me know!

Nov 29, 2011  • #10
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