I have some ideas/suggestions for DF in case you find some time or if you are interested in:
- In Windows 7 it is possible to change the logon screen. DF could do this for the user and also allow rotation of the related picture. How this can be done is explained here: http://windows7center.com/tutorials/how-to-customize-the-logon-screen-for-windows-7/
- Furthermore a rating system would be nice, i.e. one can rate (e.g. by desktop context menu selection) the currently displayed background image(s) and DF displays this image more often from that moment on. I admit that this feature would require more precise specification and design, so better forget about it.
- A filtering feature in case the user specifies one or more folders to take background images from. With the help of this feature one could select different image properties that have to be matched for an image to be taken as a desktop background. Some properties would be: Filename, Size, perhaps some EXIF-related attributes or color information (I think of the user being able to specify something like: "I want to have images only which are mainly blue"). Also probably not a few-time-consuming task...
- An option to freeze/unfreeze the current background image if timer and images from a folder is enabled.
Besides these wishes which can be considered as totally special

I love DF and I appreciate the work. Perhaps some time I will buy more licences, but first I have to put some money aside for another computer and two other displays...