4 discussion posts
Okay, so I have 3 primary screens, and I have 1 tv connected above, probably one of the more extreme setups but nonetheless I run into a problem that prevents me from having 1 wallpaper across all my monitors. I have 3 24" monitors and then 1 32" tv on the top, all the multi monitor wallpapers only account for the 3 24" monitors and not the big tv. I'd like to be able to use the 1 wallpaper feature but I need the ability to unselect a monitor that the wallpaper doesn't apply to, and then just be able to specify a different option for the 32" tv.
Here's a pic so you have a clearer idea: http://i.imgur.com/7Vp2M.jpg
I would like to span 1 wallpaper across all the 3 bottom monitors and then have a single image wallpaper for the top one.
It's not currently possible, but we're hoping to add this functionality in the future. I've added your info to our list, and we'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it.