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273 discussion posts

I have four monitors, one of which is above the others. When I use the span function, I get a skinny window on my primary.

What I would expect is that the span function would find the maximum width it could create going from the current monitor right and left, then find the maximum height span on the found maximum width axis. I would expect it to ignore monitors not aligned with the current monitor.

Attached is my actual result, the window highlighted in purple.
I've also attached what I expected and my monitor selector to clarify my layout.
• Attachment: Span Actual Result.png [638,050 bytes]
Span Actual Result.png
Span Actual Result.png
• Attachment: Span Expected Result.png [170,073 bytes]
Span Expected Result.png
Span Expected Result.png
Dec 3, 2013  • #1
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273 discussion posts
Here's my monitor selector.
• Attachment: monitor selector.png [2,912 bytes]
monitor selector.png
monitor selector.png
Dec 3, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, the span Function gets a bit confused when vertically oriented monitors are added into the mix. The best way to work around this is to create a custom Function for the spanned size, and then add that as a TitleBar Button instead :)
Dec 3, 2013  • #3
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