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13 discussion posts

not sure, if this is the right place to ask for such a thing, but I couldn't find a subforum for requests.

I am neither able to program in C# or VB, so I couldn't do it on my own. It seems a script with the functions I am looking for doesn't exist either.

What I'd love to have in DisplayFusion is a feature to remove the borders, icons etc. of a window. That would be nice to have for certain games which do not provide the possibility of a full borderless window.

If such a script exists, or someone would be able to code it without much effort, I'd very much appreciate it.
Oct 10, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I think we can write a Scripted Function to do this, though it may not work with every application/game. I'll put this on our list and we'll let you know when it's available to try out :)

Oct 10, 2014  • #2
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13 discussion posts
It's to be expected that it won't work with all games, would be handy nevertheless. Thank you very much.
Oct 10, 2014  • #3
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13 discussion posts
I noticed there is a new script now, named "Remove borders and Caption From Window" which seems to be the one you announced. Thanks for making that.

However I can't seem to get it to work, but I am sure I am missing something here, though being new to scripting I don't know what. When I try to verify the function I get the following error (sorry for the German, but even switching to English the error msg is still in German):
Line 15: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 15: BFS.Window enthält keine Definition für GetWindowStyle.
Line 18: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 19: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 20: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 21: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 22: Der Typ- oder Namespacename WindowEnum ist im Namespace BFS nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)
Line 25: BFS.Window enthält keine Definition für SetWindowStyle.

It seems to be a compilation error and I am told I am probably missing an assembly reference.

Could someone advise me how to solve this issue? I am running on Windows 8.1, if that helps.
Oct 26, 2014  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah, that one shouldn't have been posted yet, as it won't work until 7.0 Beta 6 is available :)
Oct 27, 2014  • #5
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14 discussion posts
What I'd love to have in DisplayFusion is a feature to remove the borders, icons etc. of a window. That would be nice to have for certain games which do not provide the possibility of a full borderless window..

Do you know this?:

It supports a LOT of games.
Oct 27, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion 7.0 Beta 6 is now available, and we've updated the "Remove Borders and Caption From Window" scripted function, so I'd recommend deleting it from your install and re-downloading it :)

Nov 4, 2014  • #7
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