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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts

Currently I'm reviewing the images from and had the idea that it would be great if DF offers special options for panoramic (or simply very wide) images.

I have 3.200 pixels available. If the width of an image is 9.000 pixels, I will never see the other 5.800 pixels (maybe more because of scaling). An additional "Size Mode" like "Random part of image" would be nice. It randomly chooses "Left part", "Right part", "Center" or "Random section". This way I would see an image several times but always another view.

Like the requested option "Index sub folders", this should be a per-folder option.

What do you think? :)

Jul 1, 2009  • #1
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Carsten Franke
99 discussion posts
I still like my idea and hope someone else does as well. :) So I'll add a draft of what I mean.

By default you can choose between "Clip edges" and "No clipping" (the other options do not make any sense for panoramic images). See screenshot "panorama (clip edges).png". As you can see, you will always see the same part of the image. Or you see a very small variant of the image if you use "No clipping".
My suggestion can be seen on the other images. It would be nice if DF would have an option which activates special support for panoramic images.

Hope you like it!

• Attachment: panorama (clip edges).png [24,355 bytes]
panorama (clip edges).png
panorama (clip edges).png
• Attachment: panorama (special panoramic mode 1).png [18,340 bytes]
panorama (special panoramic mode 1).png
panorama (special panoramic mode 1).png
• Attachment: panorama (special panoramic mode 2).png [22,048 bytes]
panorama (special panoramic mode 2).png
panorama (special panoramic mode 2).png
Aug 26, 2009  • #2
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Andrew M
37 discussion posts
Carsten, I've logged your suggestion in our idea list - thanks for the feedback!
Aug 27, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Jan 12, 2010  • #4
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