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1 discussion post
I am trying to achieve a few things with monitor splitting. Hopefully you can help me step by step as to how to achieve these -
I have a single widescreen montitor and want to split it. I used the video instructions and when I do a 2x1 split, I see a taskbar at top and the bottom, however the content is on both screens as if the taskbar is blocking the full screen. I cannot add different windows to different splits
Once that is done I want to be able to have different taskbars on each of the split
If I share my screen, I would like to share only the split part where I have teams or zoom going on
I would like to maximise a split and then restore it back to multiple splits

Please help

Dec 6, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
In the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window, do you have "Taskbars" and "Window Management" enabled under "Use these Features with split monitors"? If those are enabled you'll get a taskbar for each split, and then you can click and drag windows to each split.

Screen sharing applications won't see our splits natively, but in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions, you can set a hotkey for "Mirror Monitor with Splits" and then share the windows that's created.
Dec 9, 2024  • #2
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