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Kerry Ancheta2
2 discussion posts
Hi, I have the pro version and recently upgraded to the latest release. The start button no longer works on my second monitor, although I can get it to open using the keyboard windows key. I have reinstalled and reset the taskbar but that didn't help.

Any thoughts on how to fix?
Feb 15, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you please attach a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab? This may be related to an issue we're currently tracking, but I'd like to check a few things first :)

Feb 15, 2013  • #2
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Kerry Ancheta2
2 discussion posts
I have this problem on both my laptop and my desktop (both windows 7)
Feb 26, 2013 (modified Feb 26, 2013)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Kerry! Just noticed that I was corresponding with you via email today :)

The issue is related to DF 5.0 and the ActiveWords software you have installed. We'll hopefully have it fixed up for 5.0 Beta 1.

Feb 26, 2013  • #4
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Same problem here...
• Attachment [protected]: Rick Smith no start button on second.rtf [318,552 bytes]
Mar 18, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rick,

Are you pressing the windows key on your keyboard, or clicking the start button on the taskbar?
Mar 20, 2023  • #6
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Clicking start button
Mar 20, 2023  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rick,

Can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue persists? Here's the link:
Mar 21, 2023  • #8
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Running Win 7 Pro x64.... beta says Win 10 and up
Mar 21, 2023  • #9
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
After install hard hung pc.... power cycled and started ok. Both "Start buttons" work now.
Mar 22, 2023  • #11
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Hung hard again....had to power down. Testing again before going back to previous version.
Mar 22, 2023  • #12
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Just noticed tray on right monitor is flashing...this might be prelude to hang.
Mar 22, 2023  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rick,

It's hanging your entire computer, not just DisplayFusion? If you exit DisplayFusion, does this issue persist? You can exit DisplayFusion by right-clicking the DisplayFusion tray icon, a DisplayFusion taskbar, or the DisplayFusion titlebar buttons and choosing Exit.
Mar 23, 2023  • #14
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Hangs computer...uninstalled....not working for me.
Mar 23, 2023  • #15
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Rick Smith539079
8 discussion posts
Reinstalled ver 8
Mar 23, 2023  • #16
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