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Carey Sundberg's profile on
I'm not finding a setting, but would like to know if it is possible to launch the Start Menu on the monitor the Start Button is clicked on? I have 3 monitors. The right one is portrait and split into two windows one above the other. Right now it always opens on the primary (center) monitor.

Display Fusion Pro 10.0 (Beta 22), Windows 10 Enterprise (21H2) [19045]


Mar 9, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Carey,

The start menu should be opening on the taskbar you clicked it on. Did this just start happening with Beta 22?
Mar 10, 2023  • #2
Carey Sundberg's profile on
Hi Carey,
The start menu should be opening on the taskbar you clicked it on. Did this just start happening with Beta 22?

I believe so. I thought it may have been caused by splitting the portrait monitor. I did that around 21 or 22.

Update: I believe I just fixed it. I have DF on both personal and professional computers. So I checked the personal computer and it works correctly. I went to the professional computer and right clicked on the DF taskbar on the extended monitor. Under the Multi-Monitor menu I found the Start Button option. I simply changed it from Left to Automatic. After that the Start Menu opened up on that monitor. If I put it back to left, it still works. So maybe something in the update got it stuck until I selected a different option.

It might be worth noting that I'm in my home office and don't have the extended monitor in Portrait mode. I won't be back in my work office until Tuesday, so I will see then if it still works.
Mar 10, 2023 (modified Mar 10, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting, if the issue comes back just let us know.

Mar 10, 2023  • #4
Carey Sundberg's profile on

It is working in my work office with the splits on the portrait monitor as well. Life is good!
Mar 15, 2023  • #5
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