1 discussion post
Thanks for creating such a great piece of software!
I just wanted to give some information about DisplayFusion and at least two Steam games.
If you have Window Snapping-Enable Window Edge Snapping from edges of Monitors enabled, Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead will have what appears to be lag when using the left mouse button over and over (i.e. pressing over and over, not holding). You will eventually end up looking up or down and spinning in circles before this odd action stops.
I have been troubleshooting this for two days and finally found this out. My TS steps were:
[list type=decimal]
Update MX815 drivers from Logitech website
Buy a brand new Logitech MX518 and install new software from Logitech
Uninstall Logitech SetPoint software and using Windows Vista (32bit) mouse drivers
Used Dell optical two button/scroll wheel mouse
Turned off all advanced mouse options per Steam troubleshooting
Lastly, I disabled DisplayFusion and rebooted and it is fixed
Hope this helps someone as I was getting upset. I turned this feature on about six days ago and I only game on the weekends so I forgot about.
Are you playing the games full-screen or in a window?

1 discussion post
Actually, I've been having this same trouble ever since I recently updated Display Fusion to the current release. The same issues you described too (bit of lag when clicking left mouse button then doing a spin and looking down). I actually have enable window edge snapping off, but whenever the program is running and I play Team Fortress 2, rapid clicks still cause my aim to screw up. I ran my game in windowed, windowed noborder and full-screen mode and all had the same effect.
Anyways though, like I said it seems something in the newest release that causes this glitch to happen. If a solution could be found and an update release, it was be much appreciated. Nonetheless, thank you for a such a helpful program.

8 discussion posts
OMG this bug drove me crazy for the longest time. I ended up reinstalling windows over it cuz i couldnt find the problem. As long as display fusion is on, and you have two monitors the rapid left clicking of the mouse will cause weird lag. Second, it seems as if when i play the game fullscreen, i am not able to see the mouse go out of the screen and when i click it will minimize. for now all us steam gamers can do is exit display fusion while playing a game. i have no idea what part of display fusion is causing this to happen, but hopefully an update will fix it. tell me if you need any more info mr. tackabury.

8 discussion posts
sry about the last post, i was really tired when i wrote that. the mouse lag is not just related to steam. although it seems to lag on steam when a left click is triggered. in addition, it lags as programs are loading regardless of clicking (firefox, outlook, explorer, etc.). another interesting thing i've noticed with steam is that if you have multiple monitors and display fusion is running and a game is being played in full screen, you can actually move the mouse outside the window, even though you can't see the mouse cursor, and then when a click is triggered the game will minimize. this is starting to be a real annoying problem and as far as i can remember it started with the release of the version with the new taskbar. as a result, i have had to remove display fusion from my start up and just run it when i want to change my backgrounds. this is a bummer because i really liked the dual taskbars. if you need any additional info just ask.

13 discussion posts
For the record, if your problems are indeed caused by it being full screen, all Orange Box Engine games can be run in a windowed frameless mode that looks full screen and also allows easy alt-tabbing. Add "-window -noborder" to your command line for the game in steam and set the window to your desktop size. Bam. Full screen windowed.
I haven't tried it in full screen, but with 3.0.4 I've had no issues with rapid left clicking and I play tons of L4D/TF2 in the fashion mentioned above.

8 discussion posts
Thank you atreus, I would enable that mode however there is lag present for more than just steam. The steam lag is just the worst case scenario I have encountered thus far. The quickest other case of lag that comes to mind occurs when I close Firefox and then move the mouse to click an icon on the desktop. In fact, it seems like mouse lag happens during the opening/closing of programs regardless of if they are full screen or not. And it occurs when moving the mouse, not just clicking. Thanks for the tip though.
If anyone experiencing these issues would like to try the latest beta, I would really appreciate some feedback. Just PM me and I'll get you setup with access to the beta testing forum. Thanks!