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7 discussion posts
I've just added a display above of my main display.

The issue I'm having is I tend to "jam" the cursor up to the top of my main display to click menu buttons, close browser tabs, etc. I keep running my cursor to the top of the screen like usual and instead of hitting the end of the display, it of course shoots past it into the upper monitor.

My question is, is there a way to make the top edge of my main display "sticky" so that after I hit the edge, I have to keep moving my mouse upward for a bit before it will cross into the next Monitor? Or is there some other kind of functionality that will allow me to still run cursor up against the edge of my main monitor, but still get to the upper one when I need to?

I'm running more than just the two displays so the option to lock the cursor to the current monitor won't really work. I have to be able to move freely between the other monitors. It's just the upper border of my main monitor where I'd like to have this functionality if possible.

Jun 26, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion doesn't currently have any features that will grab the mouse at the edge briefly, but this is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

Jun 27, 2015  • #2
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Felice Enellen
14 discussion posts
I was just coming here to ask the same question, so please add one more vote. :)

Also, please make sure it works with split sections. It seems like many features only work with full monitors (e.g. monitor order in the advanced options). It's split sections I would need it with.

As an aside, I hope at some point you guys change your code so that everything always works in terms of split sections, rather than conditionally on monitors or sections, based on the feature or how some setting is set. Treat unsplit monitors as a single section. I have to think this would simplify a lot of code that may currently be duplicated for monitors and splits, thus speeding development a bit. That might offset the cost of unifying the code.

(I assume DF not doing this (yet) is a side effect of the feature still being pretty new.)
Jul 1, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added. And thanks for your feedback about the splits! The features in DF should always respect the splits, so I've added that issue about the monitor order to our list as well. If you come across any other features that don't seem to respect the splits, please let me know :)
Jul 2, 2015  • #4
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Alexander Aiken
5 discussion posts
Please add my vote for this feature. It would be insanely useful for us with monitors mounted above our main displays!
Oct 2, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added, thanks!
Oct 6, 2015  • #6
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1 discussion post
Was something like this ever added in the 4 intervening years?
May 1, 2019  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry. I will add your vote to the feature request.

May 1, 2019  • #8
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1 discussion post
I would also like to add my vote to this. I'm currently having to use a separate program to do this.

Can I also add for considerations options for being able to control toggling it on/off or how long it sticks for each individual monitor? Perhaps even individual sides?
Feb 14, 2023  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote and details added. Thanks!
Feb 17, 2023  • #10
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1 discussion post
After much searching I found this thread! Could not remember the term Sticky Edges.

Add my vote! I am looking to go full stacked monitor and constantly flying past the top or bottom of the screen is such a pain. Locking mouse is a passable workaround for now, though I may have to try to find that software Jammerlee was using.

PS - Thanks for the software! Glad it was added to Steam. Found it there and have been using it for years. :)
May 23, 2023 (modified May 23, 2023)  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added! Thanks for the kind words :)
May 24, 2023  • #12
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1 discussion post

currently in trial, but I like DisplayFusion :-)

Comming from 2 physical monitors to 1 large split by DF, I kinda miss the sticky corners.
Hitting the close button of a window (maximized on the left half) without looking/aiming is not possible anymore...
Jan 13, 2024  • #13
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