1 discussion post
I absolutely love DisplayFusion, and use it on every windows computer i work on, even the single monitor ones. I am, just bought a house so I have am still working on funds for getting the Pro version, but on to the feature that would make this a uberkiller app for me.
I use and love SmugMug.com and i would love to have DisplayFusion automagically grab and display my SmugMug pictures, i know that SmugMug has a pretty powerful API for their website, and a pretty active and helpful Officially monitored SmugMug user community on their site: http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/SmugMug/API the link has further links to deeper discussion groups to the community that develops around SmugMug's API. There are a couple ways that would be cool to configure, allow you to pick/set a username maybe with and without password (you can hide and protect pictures that require a password to get at, also there may be quality restrictions on pictures you don't own), and if you have a user selected list all galleries and let them pick which one(s) they would like random pics from, or list all pictures from all galleries down to one gallery and let the pick the one picture they would like to set. Also, to the tagged searching through a user's photos with or without gallery pairing down the group. Also, ability to load up groups and allow random or user selectable photos from a group as well (this might be more easily restricted by only allowing selection of groups that the username is associated with)
This is just an idea, if it is as well done as your current integration with Flickr and Vladstudio, i could see SmugMug listing it on the page of applications that integrate with SmugMug and this would yield in more downloads and then more sales of your great application. SmugMug is a smaller community then Flickr, but it is a pay only service focusing on the professional photographer and as such these people should be more willing to pay for an application that would allow them to show off their photos more easily. Keep up the great work, I plan on trying more of your great software.