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28 discussion posts
I have a 34" monitor which I split into two screens (2/3 & 1/3).
I'd like to install a button in the title bar with which I can swap the window from screen 1 with the window from screen 2.

How can I do that?

Kind regards,

Apr 7, 2020  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There's a scripted function that will do this. Here's how to set it up:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, click the "Download Scripted" button
  • Double-click the script named "Swap Topmost Windows on Monitors 1 and 2"
  • Give it a key combination and click OK
  • Optionally, select it, click "Toggle TitleBar Button" (to add it to the caption bar of every application)
  • Click Apply and test it out

Hope that helps!
Apr 7, 2020  • #2
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28 discussion posts
Thank you Keith, but I seems not to work on my split monitor setup.
Apr 11, 2020 (modified Apr 11, 2020)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can modify it to work with the splits. On lines 10 and 11, change the monitor IDs from 1 and 2, to whatever your splits are. For example, if it's monitor 1 that's split, you would use
Apr 14, 2020  • #4
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28 discussion posts
Thank you Keith!
Apr 15, 2020  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it!
Apr 15, 2020  • #6
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28 discussion posts
Dear Keith,

I have quite a severe computer problem here. I suspect that it may come from your recent 'swap top window between monitor 1 and monitor 2' script. Maybe I am wrong. Would you mind having a quick look at it?

My problem:
When I open the browser (brave or chrome) this browser windows stays always on top of everything else and keeps reacting itself so that I can't continue working in other windows till I close the browser window. Very, very annoying.
It have this problem with the Brave and Chrome browser but not with the Edge browser. Turning the laptop off/on doesn't help.
Could it be that your script changed the (chrome/brave) windows properties somehow (and permantely)?

Please advice otherwise I have to reinstall the system...

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,

• Attachment: 20_04_15_Browser Problem.mp4 [3,138,263 bytes]
Apr 15, 2020  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Wow, that's really strange! The scripted function definitely wouldn't be causing that. If you exit DisplayFusion, does this issue still occur?
Apr 16, 2020  • #8
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28 discussion posts
Dear Keith
Thank you for your answer.
As it looks, the problem comes from the 1Password browser extention.
No idea why. Anyway, DisplayFusion semms to be innocent ;-)
Many thanks for your time.
Wish you a successful day
Apr 16, 2020  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad to hear you found it!
Apr 16, 2020  • #10
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92 discussion posts
can this be expanded upon to add additional monitors? say instead of toggling between 2 you wanted to cycle between 3?
by simply adding

uint monitorC = 3;
Mar 5, 2022 (modified Mar 5, 2022)  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You want the windows to go from 1 --> 2, 2 --> 3, and 3 --> 1 or something like that?
Mar 8, 2022  • #12
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92 discussion posts
yes exactly. that would make the most sense and i think the days of me having more than 3 displays are probably a thing of the past /sadface
Mar 8, 2022  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I will check in with our developers to see if they can modify the script to do that when they've got some time.
Mar 10, 2022  • #14
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92 discussion posts
id appreciate that very much :)
Mar 10, 2022  • #15
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I put together a scripted function that should work for you. Here's how to set it up:

  • Download the file attached to this post
  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, click Scripted Function > Import Scripted Function button
  • Select the file you downloaded in the first step
  • Give it a key combination and click OK
  • Optionally, select it, click "Toggle TitleBar Button" (to add it to the caption bar of every application)
  • Click Apply and test it out

• Attachment: Swap All Topmost Windows to Next Monitor.dfscript [4,874 bytes]
Mar 12, 2022  • #16
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92 discussion posts
I put together a scripted function that should work for you. Here's how to set it up:

  • Download the file attached to this post
  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, click Scripted Function > Import Scripted Function button
  • Select the file you downloaded in the first step
  • Give it a key combination and click OK
  • Optionally, select it, click "Toggle TitleBar Button" (to add it to the caption bar of every application)
  • Click Apply and test it out


lol dont thank me, thank you! <3

should i save this locally or? I dont know where they go when theyre imported? registry? programfiles alongside displayfusion?
Mar 12, 2022  • #17
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92 discussion posts
just gave it a test, the title of it gave me pause but figured id try it first. It seems to be only swapping what has focus. Can we get it to function like the "Swap all windows between monitors 1 and 2" script? literally moves everything you have open to the same position on the next monitor and cycles through them?
Mar 12, 2022  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah! That's actually much easier. I've just added a script to the online repository called "Move all windows on all monitors to the next monitor" that will do this :)
Mar 15, 2022  • #19
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92 discussion posts
Ah! That's actually much easier. I've just added a script to the online repository called "Move all windows on all monitors to the next monitor" that will do this :)

You guys are heroes <3
Mar 15, 2022  • #20
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92 discussion posts
Okay, last request cause apparently im shameless, and at your mercy lol. Any way to make it cycle in the other direction? Instead of left to right right to left? if its a simple edit (which i imagine it would have to be?) I can just do it on my end.

My layout and preferences make that the ideal way to use it.
Mar 15, 2022  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem! Just change
Mar 17, 2022  • #22
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