5 discussion posts
Hi, I'm just making my first venture into multiple monitors and I'm wondering if DisplayFusion can switch between two active monitors using a hotkey?
This would be useful to me because I quite often play Team Fortress 2 and this game does not take kindly to being ALT+TABed. I plan to have a web browser and/or Windows Live messenger open in the other monitor. The hotkey is also a requirement due to fact that my cursor will be constantly in the middle of the screen while playing Team Fortress 2.
Also, can you create a hotkey that locks the mouse to a specific window? This would also be a requirement.
Thanks in advance.
What exactly do you mean by switching between 2 active monitors? Do you want to use the web browser while the game is open, with the game minimizing itself?

5 discussion posts
Well, I posted this on another forum that I'm a member of:
"Example situation:
I'm playing Team Fortress 2 on one screen and I have Windows Media Player/a web browser open on the other screen. Team Fortress 2 doesn't cope well with being ALT+TABed so is there a way to switch between WMP/the web browser on the other screen without minimizing Team Fortress 2 or would I have to use something like a virtual desktop to do this?"
And I got this response:
"Everybody who uses multiple monitors should use ultramon. It's just too damned useful. Once you install that, just use the hotkeys to switch active monitors. In games like that, I use a hotkey function that locks the mouse to a specific window (great for games where moving the mouse to the side of the screen scrolls in that direction)."
I had a look at it and saw that it didn't have great Windows 7 support so I looked else where and found your software (which is also about a million times cheaper). Does that help at all?

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Did you ever get something like that to actually WORK when using ultramon? It sounds like a cop out, or that someone does not know what they are talking about. something like that is impossibly hard to achieve. Chances are he is talking about having the game windowed, which is what I would recommend. the mouse lock feature is something that DF does not have ATM sadly, and I would expect Jon to add it if it becomes obviously needed.
Again, look at that response post. Why would you need to lock the mouse in the window if it already is FS and auto locks the mouse for you?
As I said, your best shot is to just window the game. If losing the mouse becomes an issue, send me a PM, I have a small app for windows that solves that problem. I am one of the more gaming oriented users on the DF forum, and I have dealt with this since DF came out, and even before then. Not ONCE have I heard or seen the ability to keep a game FS and work on the other monitor. You can get videos to do it, but this is RARE, and requires some specific settings in a media player, which ATM there is only one that I know of that can support that, and even that is unstable and tends not to work.
Once again, send me a PM if you have any questions. I would be glad to help.

5 discussion posts
Well, I've never used Ultramon so no.
I guess that pretty much answers my question, anyway. Thanks.

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Have you tried windowed mode for games? It works exceptionally well, and it even can boost FPS! It also allows for using multiple apps when gaming, as I am doing right this second!

5 discussion posts
I do use it in a couple of games but I don't really like it in first person shooters, to be honest.
I'll probably still be getting DisplayFusion for that extra taskbar option anyway.

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I stopped playing PC FPSs around the time of HL2 E2 so i can't say much on it, but WoW, Starcraft, WC3 C&C, all work great with it.
sorry if you or anyone sent me PMs, apparently the forum default is to only get them from admins. I think that should be changed if your listening Jon.
@Kevin: Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking - would you like to be able to receive PMs from other members? You should be able to.
As for the UltraMon suggestion, I'm not sure if that would work as I haven't looked at UltraMon in years. I can't imagine how it would allow you to alt+tab away from a fullscreen game and not have it minimize though. The only way I can think to get this working is to play the game windowed, like Kevin suggested.

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I recommend that it be the default to allow receiving from all members. Mind me if it is and I changed it long ago without realizing it.

5 discussion posts
Yeah, it is set to only receive PMs from admins by default. I had to change it.