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2 discussion posts
I have 3 monitors set up. I havean hp spectre 360 laptop (its own monitor ) using winodws 10 running a ben q monitor and an xppen artist pro 16 drawing tablet (pen display). im using display fusion (trial version now) because it allows me the flexability to go from mirroring my pen display drawings on a monitor or switching to another profile where my two other monitors are seperate (laptop and ben q) and not mirroring. after configuring 2 different profiles and assigning hot keys for them switching between them is slow. when i try and switch it takes a few minutes (maybe 2 minitues at most) to register everything. ben q monitor goes dark than turns on. and repeats that. and so does the xppen. that does the same thing. turns off and on... or screen goes off than comes back on. once that settles down im switched.
once im switched the xppen pen has to be calibrated again by the way.
is there any reason this is happening? i also have a wacom driver installed that i havent de installed... not sure if this is hurting anything.
thanks. if i could get these figured out that would be great.
Sep 26, 2022 (modified Sep 26, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
What resolution are your monitors set to?
Sep 27, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
they are set to the lowest setting. 1920 x 1080 because thats the lowest res i have on my displays. the hp spectre monitor recommends 3840 x2160 but i have to set it to 1920x1080. the other 2 displays (xppen and ben q) are 1920x1080.

i should be able to register this resoultion set up in my monitor profiles correct?
Sep 29, 2022  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It should work, yep! I will do some testing with a similar setup next week to see what I can find out.
Sep 30, 2022  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce this issue here. If you haven't already, could you try the latest beta and let me know if you can still reproduce this?

  • On the Settings > Options tab, enable the "Check for new Beta (newer, unstable) versions" option
  • Click the Apply button
  • Click the "Check for Updates" button
Oct 4, 2022  • #5
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