Johnny Rex
17 discussion posts
Hi, I just installed beta 6, course I couldn't get triggers to work in v10, now my triggers work, but I have no systray icons in my DPFtaskbars, only at the original windows 10 taskbar. With v10 I had the systray icons on all my taskbars.
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-07-31_13-02-33.png [85,587 bytes]
From your screenshot it looks like there are a few tray icons, like OneDrive. What icons are missing?

Johnny Rex
17 discussion posts
All those in the left side of the screenshot. The ones shown is at windows own taskbar, not DF's
Adde a scrshot where i took a third screens taskbar with.
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-07-31_18-04-34.png [160,143 bytes]

Johnny Rex
17 discussion posts
Must have been some kind of hickup, after I installede the beta. Now I have the icons as they should??
But att er the trbshootlog
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [48,051 bytes]