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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
In the latest Dev build of Windows (23595), the Microsoft Copilot has been moved to the right corner of the taskbar. It is also possible to have the Copilot on multiple taskbars. The reason for this is to open Copilot on a secondary monitor. This is (IMO) a good feature. However, at least right now, Copilot does not appear on a multi-monitor taskbar of DF. I could turn off the DF multi-monitor taskbar feature, but that is not desirable because then program windows only appear on the main taskbar.

Is there any plan to adjust the multi-monitor taskbar feature to allow Copilot to appear on all monitors?
Dec 2, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Fred,

I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Dec 4, 2023  • #2
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