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343 discussion posts
I've just noticed this (might have been doing this for some time, not sure). Fresh boot. Toggling applications via the taskbar button: When un minimizing, the button disappears from the DF taskbar and appears on the main task bar where it stays for about 3 seconds before it moves back over to the DF bar. Happens with or without the titlebar buttons activated.

I think this has was posted about before, but I couldn't find it. I'll do some more testing...

--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Operating System Version: 5.1.2600.196608
Detected Version: WindowsXP / 2003
CPU: x86
Date/Time (UTC): 07/27/2009 12:16:25
Date/Time (Local): 07/27/2009 08:16:25
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.3082
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
Jul 27, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have both hooks enabled on the Troubleshooting tab?
Jul 27, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
Do you have both hooks enabled on the Troubleshooting tab?

That's from my work machine. I'll report back in the morning, but I think "Enable global mouse hooks" is DE selected and "Enable global application hooks" is Enabled...

Update: Settings are as mentioned above. It takes a good 3 seconds for the button to peel itself off the main taskbar and place itself on the DF bar...
Jul 27, 2009  • #3
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44 discussion posts
I have DFP set-up the same way as you do benway, deselected the global mouse hooks, but enabled the application hooks. And when I un-minimize a window on my 2nd screen I do see it 'flash' on the main taskbar, but it's more like 0.3 sec over here?
Jul 30, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Benway: Can you enable both system hooks and confirm that the problem is gone? Thanks!
Jul 30, 2009  • #5
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343 discussion posts
@Benway: Can you enable both system hooks and confirm that the problem is gone? Thanks!

Ok, just ran several tests. UNinstalled beta 08 and reinstalled 3.0.0. Problem went away. Taskbar buttons snap back to DF bar almost instantaniously. Reinstalled beta 08. 3 second lag is back. Toggling all hooks on or off make no difference. Just installed beta 09. Same lag with both hooks enabled or disabled. Window restores instantly, but it's button sits on the main task bar for 3 seconds. I'll boot XP at home and try it there as well (but as I say, it works perfect in 3.0.0).
Jul 30, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Do the buttons disappear from the DF taskbar, or just duplicate themselves onto the Windows taskbar as well? Can you post the process you use to generate this issue? Thanks!
Jul 30, 2009  • #7
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343 discussion posts
Do the buttons disappear from the DF taskbar, or just duplicate themselves onto the Windows taskbar as well? Can you post the process you use to generate this issue? Thanks!

Ok, here goes:
(global mouse hook off, global application hook on (though this makes no difference)). Same issues with beta 8 and 9.
[list type=decimal]
  • Window (firefox, explorer, etc.) open on 2nd monitor with DF taskbar: Taskbar button showing.
  • Click on button to get it to minimize: Button still on DF taskbar.
  • Click on button to UN minimize: Button is removed from DT taskbar and slowly (from left to right) is drawn on the Windows taskbar. (this takes about 1.5 seconds)
  • After another 1.5 seconds the button leaves the Windows taskbar and appears on the DF taskbar.
  • Total time for button to make the jump: about 3 seconds.
  • [/ul]

    As I mentioned earlier, uninstalling and reinstalling 3.0.0 results in the expected action: Lightening quick button actions. Let me know if I can check anything else (I have all the beta releases if you need me to install them from 3.0.0 to see where the issue starts)
    Jul 31, 2009  • #8
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    Can you give it a try with both hooks enabled and let me know if that makes any difference? Thanks!
    Jul 31, 2009  • #9
    User Image
    343 discussion posts
    Can you give it a try with both hooks enabled and let me know if that makes any difference? Thanks!

    Both hooks enabled. Same 3 sec lag. I'll try on my home machine just for comparison...
    Jul 31, 2009  • #10
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    I just noticed that when I change focus between applications, the DF taskbar button doesn't update as fast as it should. Very strange... perhaps it is a new bug in beta 8/9.
    Jul 31, 2009  • #11
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    Kevin F.
    456 discussion posts
    Something related, I've had applications "stick" on the regular taskbar, while still being on the DF one, this is under XP. I was never able to get a consistent result though. Latest beta. I'll keep trying, but I'm sure its related to this, I first experienced it trying to replicate this.
    Aug 1, 2009  • #12
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    343 discussion posts
    Still getting this 3 (sometimes 4) second delay. I've also noticed that whenever I minimize a window on the main screen, whatever had focus on the DF taskbar will momentarily flash back on the main taskbar.
    Aug 13, 2009  • #13
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    Are you using the new Beta 10?
    Aug 13, 2009  • #14
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    343 discussion posts
    Are you using the new Beta 10?

    Heading off to try B10 at work now. Will report back shortly...
    Aug 14, 2009  • #15
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    343 discussion posts
    Beta 10. FireFox still has a 3 second lag, though other programs are better: Probably 1/2 second appearance on the main taskbar when switching for other windows. I notice, though, that the DF taskbar buttons are switching position for some reason: I'll click on a button to minimize/unminimize and it's position get's swapped with another button. Happens with FireFox and Chrome.

    Maybe these things are losing their order because of the lag in repositioning them back from their brief appearance on the main task bar... Kind of disorientating shen you click on a specific window's button and it gets swapped with another right under your mouse.
    Aug 14, 2009  • #16
    Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
    How has this issue been with the latest beta 15?
    Aug 27, 2009  • #17
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