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132 discussion posts
Hi all,

This one is a bit of a complex one, I don't think Display Fusion can fix it but I'm wondering if it's even possible.
My monitor config is 24" / 30" / 24"
I do a lot of work on monitor 1 and 3 with video playing on monitor 2 (the larger one)

My start bar / primary screen is #2, the 30"
When I watch either flash video or VLC video or really anything full screen on monitor #2 - if I click anywhere on monitors 1 / 3 the taskbar will pop up, can be kind of distracting if the video I'm also watching is quite dark.

Anyone got any ideas on how I could deal with this?
Feb 27, 2014  • #1
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132 discussion posts
Ok so in the process of actually writing that, I've come up with a temporary solution.
I've created a monitor profile where monitor #2 is now a secondary monitor and #1 (the 24", left) is the primary.

I can just hotkey between the 2 profiles depending if I'm watching video or not and this way the taskbar won't pop in to my video.
Regardless food for thought for others, thanks.

Is there any way to clone my quicklaunch bar / start menu to screen #2?
Feb 27, 2014 (modified Feb 27, 2014)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good workaround! Unfortunately there isn't a way to force the native Windows taskbar to stay below the full screen window when it loses focus, so your workaround is definitely the best way to do it. Alternatively, you can also just move the primary taskbar to a different monitor. To do that, right-click the taskbar and make sure "Lock the Taskbar" is unchecked, then just click and drag it to the bottom of another monitor.

It's not possible to add the Quick Launch toolbar to the DisplayFusion taskbar, as there isn't a Windows API for creating toolbar windows. If we're able to find a way around it in the future, we'll be sure to let you know :)

Feb 27, 2014  • #3
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132 discussion posts
Thanks Keith, appreciate the response.
Feb 28, 2014  • #4
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