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3 discussion posts
I've been looking for a solution to this issue, but so far have come across nothing similar.

Each time I try using any of the DisplayFusion Taskbars, that is, left/right click anywhere, including icons, the taskbar itself, any buttons ect.. The taskbar refreshes.
Meaning it disappears and takes around 15 seconds to reload. This is almost every time I use it rendering it useless.
Also, when I use the WIN key to open the start menu, it also disappears.

Checking the log just after it disappears each time is this line

2014/04/24 22:38:15.132: WARN:L1: TaskbarManager:LoadThemeData: --: --: --: --: --: --: Taskbar Refresh: WM_SETTINGCHANGE:SPI_SETWORKAREA

Can anyone help, I love this software hence buying it.

Thanks in advance
Apr 24, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's really strange! Could you attach the full log, and let me know what time you reproduced the issue so we can check it out further?

Apr 25, 2014  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Thanks for your response.

A log is attached where the taskbar reloaded twice.

Thanks again for any help.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [810,530 bytes]
Apr 28, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Kraig, could you also attach a copy of the info from the Settings > Troubleshooting tab?
Apr 30, 2014  • #4
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3 discussion posts
Thank you for your replies, but I have found the culprit.

I'm fond of AutoHotkey and make scripts quite frequently, I'd made one that if opening a new window (any window) in any way, it would open on the monitor that my mouse is on. Unfortunately, with the taskbar and start menu as they are also classed as windows it was moving them to the next monitor. Silly on my part, but I have fixed it now by making it ignore them.

So it's no wonder I couldn't find anything on the forums. I never normally have to post anything as the solution is normally there.

Thanks again
May 2, 2014  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you were able to sort it out! Note that you can setup a Window Location rule that will move all new windows to the monitor that the mouse is on. I've attached a screenshot for reference :)

• Attachment: Window Location - All Windows to Current Monitor.jpg [125,718 bytes]
Window Location - All Windows to Current Monitor.jpg
Window Location - All Windows to Current Monitor.jpg
May 2, 2014  • #6
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