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Ryan Skinner
5 discussion posts
I've tried searching and the "Windows 10 Known Issues" but I can't seem to find my same issue discussed anywhere else so apologies if I missed it.

Windows 10 Pro N x64 (1607)

Whenever I have two windows of the same program (Chrome or CPU-Z, as examples) open, I am unable to click the icon, see the multiple windows, and then select one or the other. Clicking immediately shows and then hides both windows. I can hover on said icon and see both windows but clicking on any of them does nothing, hides the "previews" and then I have to ALT+TAB to get to my program.

I have disabled DisplayFusion and this occurrence immediately stops and once I restart DisplayFusion it stay "good" but if I force-close explorer.exe and restart that, the issue reoccurs. Or if I just reboot, it comes back every time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oct 27, 2016  • #1
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Ryan Skinner
5 discussion posts
Of note, problem seems to no longer exist in 8.1. Most likely can be closed, as such. Thanks.
Oct 28, 2016  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it's all good now! Please let us know if you do run into any more trouble.

Oct 28, 2016  • #3
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