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Jimmy Kirtner
5 discussion posts
With this verison 3.1.8 I can add a second taskbar to my second monitor which is ok. What I really would like to do is extend the taskbar to the second monitor. Like you can with the desktop background and screen saver. Is this possible.
Mar 29, 2010  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
You can already do this through windows IIRC.
Mar 30, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If you would like to span the main Windows taskbar across all monitors, instead of adding additional taskbars you will need to look at your Windows display configuration. The only way to do this is to have your desktop spanned across your monitors, not extended. This isn't an ideal setup though, as there is no longer a monitor divider, it's treated as one large monitor. The best solution (in my opinion) is to have to distinct monitors, and use DisplayFusion to add additional monitors to your extra monitors. :)
Mar 31, 2010  • #3
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