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421 discussion posts
Using Windows 10x64 Pro Build 17134.81 V1803 with latest DF 9.2.4 Beta 1

Is there a way to make the taskbar's background 100% transparent while keeping all the items on the taskbar completely opaque? I know that DF can adjust the transparency but it also adjusts the items on the taskbar as well.

I can do this via Rainmeter for the primary monitor's taskbar using TranslucentTaskbar plugin at . However, I'd like to use DisplayFusion for this function on all taskbars.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
• Attachment: TransparentTaskbar.png [4,833,538 bytes]
Jun 3, 2018  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
There currently isn't a way to do this, sorry. That's an interesting idea though, maybe an advanced setting to prevent the background from being drawn would do the trick?
Jun 6, 2018  • #2
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421 discussion posts
There currently isn't a way to do this, sorry. That's an interesting idea though, maybe an advanced setting to prevent the background from being drawn would do the trick?

Let's give it a try. Can y'all provide advanced setting?
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Jun 6, 2018  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just posted 9.3 Beta 2, and there's a new advanced setting ("Disable Taskbar Background Rendering") for this. Hope that helps!
Jun 25, 2018  • #4
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421 discussion posts
We've just posted 9.3 Beta 2, and there's a new advanced setting ("Disable Taskbar Background Rendering") for this. Hope that helps!

Works like a charm. Thanks much! 8)
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Jun 25, 2018 (modified Jun 25, 2018)  • #5
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16 discussion posts
Could we get an option that allows you to pick a percentage for that function, much like Classic Shell allows? It would be pretty amazing to be able to match those two program settings for a cohesive look between the taskbars.
• Attachment [protected]: cs_transp.PNG [27,464 bytes]
Aug 30, 2018  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
You can already set the DisplayFusion taskbar opacity in the Settings window. Does this look like what you're looking for? Thanks!
Aug 31, 2018  • #7
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16 discussion posts
You can already set the DisplayFusion taskbar opacity in the Settings window. Does this look like what you're looking for? Thanks!

No, not quite; the transparency in options turns down the entire element's transparency, not just the taskbar rectangle. The way CS handles it is it leaves the icon and buttons at 100% rendered, but only changes the opacity of the actual taskbar alone. This way we can have an opaque background at any interval we want, but still keep the icons clearly visible.

Hope that clears it up.
Sep 5, 2018  • #8
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You Tube19707
18 discussion posts
We've just posted 9.3 Beta 2, and there's a new advanced setting ("Disable Taskbar Background Rendering") for this. Hope that helps!

Works like a charm. Thanks much! 8)

So did you actually get a transparent Taskbar now?
Mine is still not working and i have tested the new function already. I was in the same boat like you and used the Rainmeter Plugin before, but you have actually managed to found a way now it seems. So why does this not work for me?
Is this only for DF´s internal Multitaskbar Feature? Is there no way to have a Transparent Taskbar without using DF´s Multitaskbar?
Sep 5, 2018 (modified Sep 5, 2018)  • #9
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16 discussion posts
We've just posted 9.3 Beta 2, and there's a new advanced setting ("Disable Taskbar Background Rendering") for this. Hope that helps!

Works like a charm. Thanks much! 8)

So did you actually get a transparent Taskbar now?
Mine is still not working and i have tested the new function already. I was in the same boat like you and used the Rainmeter Plugin before, but you have actually managed to found a way now it seems. So why does this not work for me?
Is this only for DF´s internal Multitaskbar Feature? Is there no way to have a Transparent Taskbar without using DF´s Multitaskbar?

Fully transparent one should work with the beta feature; it'll leave the icons at 100%, and just kill the rectangle opacity. Transparency however still sadly works on the entire element, and will change icons and rectangle opacity together, not separate (which is what I want). Also as far as I understand, DF doesn't overwrite main taskbar?
Sep 5, 2018 (modified Sep 5, 2018)  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion can't control the transparency of the Windows taskbar on the Primary monitor, no :(
Sep 6, 2018  • #11
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16 discussion posts
DisplayFusion can't control the transparency of the Windows taskbar on the Primary monitor, no :(

Keith, what about secondary, but transparency JUST on the taskbar background rectangle element and not text/icons?
Sep 6, 2018  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The way our taskbar and buttons are drawn, we can't easily adjust the opacity of the taskbar backround. We can either draw it, or not. We will keep this request open on our list though, and if we're able to do it in the future, we'll be sure to post an update.

Sep 11, 2018  • #13
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3 discussion posts
We've just posted 9.3 Beta 2, and there's a new advanced setting ("Disable Taskbar Background Rendering") for this. Hope that helps!

Hi there. Sorry to bump an old thread. Has this feature been removed? I'm using 9.5 and there is no such feature. Is it still part of the beta versions?
Aug 14, 2019  • #14
Alan Wade's profile on
Its still there...
Right click on a DisplayFusion Taskbar and select Settings.
In the window that opens click on Advanced Settings at the bottom then scroll down to Taskbar and you will see it.
Double click on it to change the value.
• Attachment: 2019-08-14_21-44-38.png [114,726 bytes]
Aug 14, 2019 (modified Aug 14, 2019)  • #15
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3 discussion posts
Its still there...
Right click on a DisplayFusion Taskbar and select Settings.
In the window that opens click on Advanced Settings at the bottom then scroll down to Taskbar and you will see it.
Double click on it to change the value.

Oh I guess I just overlooked it. Thanks so much!
Aug 16, 2019  • #16
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1 discussion post
I LOVE this. I'm just wondering if it intentionally removes activity indicators. Like the little line underneath that shows if an instance of that program is open. It also removes mouseover indicators. I would love to be able to still have that, but regardless this is great and makes me wish windows was paying attention to this kinda stuff
Aug 4, 2020 (modified Aug 4, 2020)  • #17
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Hieu Nguyen Trung66377
1 discussion post
i really love the transparent taskbar feature but is there anyway to make taskbar goes back to the default color when a window is maximize (just taskbar on that monitor where that window maximize)
Nov 15, 2020  • #18
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1 discussion post
Hey !
I'm having the same thoughts that "f2bacon" 2 comments above.
About the white underline on active windows that desapears with the Background Rendering off. I was wondering if that could become a full fonctionnality in the future ?
That's the only down side on using little Icones (With transparent DF taskbar) rather than the original large "rectangular active window". Not being able to tell what's open what's not just by looking at it.

Even without, thank you for all the work put in the custom options. That's reaaaally fun all we can do ! (A big fan of the shortcuts to move a window from one monitor to the other)
Jan 26, 2021  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Aeglos: Not sure why that line gets removed with that setting but we'll look into it when we have some time to see what we can find out :)
Jan 29, 2021  • #20
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2 discussion posts
Unfortunately, this option is not working in Windows 11. All of my DF taskbars are 100% transparent!! I'm using DF 10.0 Beta 4
Oct 12, 2021 (modified Oct 12, 2021)  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Thierry: Could you attach a screenshot?
Oct 13, 2021  • #22
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
@Thierry: Could you attach a screenshot?

@Keith I'm actually seeing the same behavior as Thierry, was searching for a fix and found this thread. Screenshots attached. Just started when I upgraded to Win 11. Taskbar on the left screen is a DF taskbar, the right screen is native Win 11 taskbar. I have a 3rd screen also with a DF taskbar that's doing the same as the first, I just didn't include it in the screenshot. Running 10.0 Beta 6. If I can provide anything else let me know.
UPDATE: I just tried toggling the "Transparency Effects" setting in the Win 11 Settings > Personalization > Colors dialog off and back on and that seems to have fixed it. I'll have to see if it sticks when I reboot, but I did just kill DF and relaunch it and the fix persisted across that, so I'm hopeful. I'll try rebooting later.
• Attachment [protected]: Taskbar issue.png [756,062 bytes]
Oct 29, 2021 (modified Oct 29, 2021)  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris: Glad to hear that worked, let me know if you run into any further trouble.

Oct 29, 2021  • #24
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
@Chris: Glad to hear that worked, let me know if you run into any further trouble.

@Keith just wanted to provide an update - when I did finally get around to rebooting my PC it ended up going back to being fully transparent again unfortunately. If I can provide any additional info let me know.
Nov 1, 2021  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have Stardock Start11 or Classic Shell installed?
Nov 2, 2021  • #26
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Do you have Stardock Start11 or Classic Shell installed?

I do not
Nov 2, 2021  • #27
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Nov 2, 2021  • #28
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Mike Teruel
29 discussion posts
Unfortunately, this option is not working in Windows 11. All of my DF taskbars are 100% transparent!! I'm using DF 10.0 Beta 4

I just installed 10b6 and my DF taskbar is also transparent. Any way to make it not transparent?
Didn't see your update where you turned of Windows 11's transparency. That worked for me too.
Nov 3, 2021 (modified Nov 3, 2021)  • #29
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Ok, could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

@Keith please see attached and let me know if I can provide anything else. Thanks!
• Attachment [protected]: [197,533 bytes]
Nov 3, 2021  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Chris! I don't see anything out of the ordinary in your troubleshooting info. Could you attach a backup of your DisplayFusion Settings, and also send me a screenshot of the Windows Settings > Personalization > Colours tab?
Nov 4, 2021  • #31
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Thanks Chris! I don't see anything out of the ordinary in your troubleshooting info. Could you attach a backup of your DisplayFusion Settings, and also send me a screenshot of the Windows Settings > Personalization > Colours tab?

Sure, see attached
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2021-11-05 @ 10-58,, W10-CPOLANISHSB, SettingsWindow).reg [338,796 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Personalization 1.png [238,076 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Personalization 2.png [124,150 bytes]
Nov 5, 2021  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Chris, if you disable the "Transparency Effects" option and then reboot, is the DF taskbar still transparent?
Nov 5, 2021  • #33
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Mike Teruel
29 discussion posts
Thanks Chris, if you disable the "Transparency Effects" option and then reboot, is the DF taskbar still transparent?

That's what I'm seeing on my PC.
Nov 5, 2021  • #34
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Thanks Chris, if you disable the "Transparency Effects" option and then reboot, is the DF taskbar still transparent?

If I turn off the transparency effects in the Windows settings and reboot the DF taskbar remains opaque (as it should).
Nov 8, 2021  • #35
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, we're still not able to reproduce this issue here for some reason but we'll keep at it and get it sorted out eventually :)
Nov 16, 2021  • #36
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris Polanish: We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and we've made a tweak for the transparent taskbar issue in Windows 11. Could you let us know how it works out when you've had a chance to give it a try?

Dec 9, 2021  • #37
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
@Keith I installed 10.0 Beta 10 and it almost seems like the transparency is in some in-between state. It's definitely not the 100% transparent that it was previously, but the transparency doesn't match that of the native Windows taskbar either. I attached two screenshots (in both, the left monitor is the DF taskbar, right is native Windows) - the "before" shows what I am talking about. I then went to the Windows settings and turned the transparency off and back on (the "after" screenshot). The transparency still doesn't 100% match the Windows taskbar, but it's a lot closer than in the before screenshot. I also included a screenshot with the transparency off entirely just for reference (the difference on the native taskbar is extremely subtle, but when you are actually watching it when I toggle the setting you can see a slight difference).
• Attachment [protected]: After Toggling Setting.png [7,564,047 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Before Toggling Setting.png [7,627,543 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Transparency Off.png [7,424,514 bytes]
Dec 14, 2021  • #38
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! Is it like that "before" picture every time you restart?
Dec 14, 2021  • #39
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Strange! Is it like that "before" picture every time you restart?

Honestly I turned the transparency off for the moment, but I'll turn it back on and keep an eye on it for a few days and let you know.
Dec 15, 2021  • #40
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
@Keith yes, after playing for a couple days, it does seem to be that way each time the computer loads.
Dec 17, 2021  • #41
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
After a fresh reboot, when the taskbare is too translucent, if you right-click it and do "Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Bottom" does it refresh and then show the correct translucency?
Dec 29, 2021  • #42
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
After a fresh reboot, when the taskbare is too translucent, if you right-click it and do "Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Bottom" does it refresh and then show the correct translucency?

Hi Keith, sorry I just realized I never replied to this! It's actually been working ok recently, at least I haven't noticed it having an issue in the past week or two, so I'm not sure if something updated and fixed this or what happened.
Jan 10, 2022  • #43
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, glad to hear it's working now! Maybe a Windows Update or something fixed it up. Thanks for letting us know :)
Jan 10, 2022  • #44
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Chris Polanish
17 discussion posts
Hey Keith, I guess I spoke too soon because of course it started doing it again the past two days. I tried the position bottom thing and that didn't make a difference.
Jan 14, 2022  • #45
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks Chris! I will pass that info back to our developers.
Jan 14, 2022  • #46
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! Could you send us a new L2 debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L2: Log Detailed" and click Apply
  • Exit DisplayFusion
  • Delete the %LOCALAPPDATA%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file
  • Launch DisplayFusion (and confirm that the taskbar transparency is wrong)
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Jan 18, 2022  • #47
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