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6 discussion posts
Hi, when I have split screen activated on a widescreen, there is a problem when maximising windows to fill the whole "virtual monitor" space. On the left split it seems fine, but on the right the bottom of the window is hidden behind the task bar (this seems to happen regardless of whether I use the duplicated DisplayFusion task bar or turn that off so the native one spans the whole width of the real screen). It means that the bottom of the maximised window on the right cannot be seen or accessed (e.g. lower section of web pages, or the section with zoom slider and word count info etc in MS Word... and so on).
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion task bar hiding botom of window.txt [211,595 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion task bar hiding bottom screenshot.docx [182,804 bytes]
Dec 21, 2020  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like the bounds for the left split start at X=1 for some reason. Could you try changing the "Left" value for the left split from 1 to 0?
Dec 23, 2020  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Hi, many thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure what you mean by bounds. I'm trying the location values in "splits and padding"- this was already set to 0 (for the top box, named "Left:") for the left split however. I have tried changing and then back to 0 again but the problem remains... is this is not the correct settings, please could you point me in the right direction for the correct settings, or if it is, any other suggestions?
Note also, the problem occurs on the bottom the the right split but is fine on the left.
Many thanks.
• Attachment [protected]: DF-TBprob.docx [96,439 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Splis.png [92,044 bytes]
Dec 23, 2020  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like the X value is correct now, strange that the issue is still happening! If you do a full reboot now, does the issue still occur afterward?
Dec 24, 2020  • #4
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6 discussion posts
Hi, it's still the same after reboot unfortunately.
Dec 26, 2020  • #5
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Chris Salvian
49 discussion posts
I've got the same thing happening (though my taskbar is at the top) since I did a clean reinstall of my entire computer. I'm running 9.7.1 Beta 10.
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2020-12-28 114150.png [208,631 bytes]
Dec 28, 2020  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris: Could you attach a copy of your DisplayFusion troubleshooting window as well so that I can compare?

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Dec 30, 2020  • #7
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Chris Salvian
49 discussion posts
Actually, I updated to 9.7.1. and the problem appears to have gone away. I'll keep you posted if it comes back.
Dec 30, 2020  • #8
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1 discussion post
For my googlers who are having this issue themselves.

I didn't want to be that person that found a solution and then didn't relay the information.

The solution I found was:

Step 1: Right click the displayfusion taskbar that your window is hiding behind.
Step 2: Navigate to "Multi-Monitor Taskbar"
Step 3: Navigate to "Position"
Step 4: Change from "Default" to <Your preferred orientation on the screen.>
In my case this was bottom.

The windows are no longer hiding behind the displayfusion taskbar, and you can maximize without them trying to hide.
Dec 30, 2020  • #9
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6 discussion posts
Thanks for the tip @Josh. Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue for me (it is only hiding behind the main original task bar in split 1 however, not the DF one on the 2nd split for some reason). I've just had an update notification so going to try that and see if it resolves like @Chris' did.
Failing that, I have managed a work around using the padding settings by adding a 30 pixel pad (out of 1080) to the bottom padding setting (this seems OK so far for my general Office progs etc)... will update if I notice any issues on other things from doing this.
Dec 30, 2020 (modified Dec 30, 2020)  • #10
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3 discussion posts

I'm one of the googlers you were speaking about. The problem was driving me crazy, your solution worked for me. Thanks a lot!
Jan 14, 2021  • #11
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4 discussion posts
For my googlers who are having this issue themselves....

The windows are no longer hiding behind the displayfusion taskbar, and you can maximize without them trying to hide.

This also fixed my issue as well, mine was set to automatic and I changed it to "Bottom"

Note for others reading this that this is referring to the position of the Task Bar, not the window, so choose whatever edge of the screen you're used to having your task bar appear on!
Jan 14, 2021  • #12
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Kevin Morrison
16 discussion posts
For my googlers who are having this issue themselves.

I didn't want to be that person that found a solution and then didn't relay the information.

The solution I found was:

Step 1: Right click the displayfusion taskbar that your window is hiding behind.
Step 2: Navigate to "Multi-Monitor Taskbar"
Step 3: Navigate to "Position"
Step 4: Change from "Default" to <Your preferred orientation on the screen.>
In my case this was bottom.

The windows are no longer hiding behind the displayfusion taskbar, and you can maximize without them trying to hide.

Thanks buddy, this is exactly the solution I was looking for. Thanks a ton for taking the time to help us out!
Jan 14, 2021  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

This issue should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.

Jan 15, 2021  • #14
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15 discussion posts
JoshQuest1's solution does indeed help somewhat with my issue. My Edge browser window was behind the DisplayFusion taskbar, which has been very annoying. That seems to be fixed by choosing BOTTOM instead of AUTO for the location. However, I'm still experiencing a very annoying issue that I thought was supposed to be fixed by 9.7.1. I'm using the Steam version, and full-screen YouTube videos playing in Edge still appear behind the DisplayFusion taskbar. It's makes it impossible to access the video controls. I've set Edge to be treated as a full-screen app in compatibility settings, and I've verified that "show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" is still unchecked. Is there still no solution for this?
Jan 16, 2021  • #15
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Can you try updating to our latest beta and see if the issue persists? You can do so by opening up the Display Fusion settings window, heading to the Options tab, enabling "Check for new beta versions" and then clicking "Check for updates now".

Jan 18, 2021  • #16
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Kevin Morrison
16 discussion posts
As I had stated the instructions from JoshQuest1 worked for me. however then along came an NVIDIA driver update and I was right back to having the issue again. I installed the beta and it fixed the issue again. Now the only question is if it resolves it or not. Hopefully knowing about the video card driver update causing it helps to resolve this problem if it does not.
Jan 18, 2021  • #17
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Kevin,

Interesting, thanks for the note! We made some adjustments to our taskbar reloading timer, so it shouldn't be dependent on your drivers, but if it does come back just let us know.

Jan 18, 2021  • #18
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15 discussion posts
Updated to 9.7.2 beta 3 (Steam) and issue persists. My Nvidia driver is 461.09 1/7/2021. I'll attach a screenshot showing the YouTube controls behind the taskbar in full screen view.
• Attachment: taskbar youtube.png [14,937 bytes]
taskbar youtube.png
taskbar youtube.png
Jan 19, 2021  • #19
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Is this happening with any other web browsers, or just edge?

Jan 19, 2021  • #20
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Kevin Morrison
16 discussion posts
I am using Chrome, Firefox and Opera and it is happening on ALL of them. I rarely ever even open Edge but its happening on that one too. I honestly dont think this is a browser issue, I think its something closer to the OS and drivers than that.

Just to test this I downloaded the latest NVIDIA drivers and reinstalled them and using the Beta of Display Fusion it did not come back and hide the browser. Of course I only reinstalled over the same driver but if I get time I will roll back the drivers and go through the normal update process and see if it does it again.
Jan 19, 2021 (modified Jan 19, 2021)  • #21
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4 discussion posts
Sorry if this is off topic but how do I unsubscribe from a thread's updates? Theres no unsub button in the emails and in my "Discsussions" tab from the menu there isn't any way to remove them from that list
Jan 19, 2021  • #22
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Kevin Morrison
16 discussion posts
You know what this reminds me of, if you take your focus off of a window that is in full screen, the task bar always stands out in front. Perhaps that has something to do with why this is happening? Maybe the software is not seeing that the browser window is in fact the live window, or is not being reported to Display Fusion that it is the live, active window? Hope that gives you more to go on.
Jan 19, 2021  • #23
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

@sh0sh1n You can head to your account info and uncheck "Allow Discussion Emails"

@KevinMorrison Are you experiencing this only when full screen in these browsers? If you open up the Display Fusion settings window and head to the Taskbar tab, is "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" unchecked?

Jan 20, 2021  • #24
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Kevin Morrison
16 discussion posts
@Owen Muhlethaler - No I am saying this issue acts like it does if you are in full screen mode in the browser and then say click something else on a different monitor. So say you are viewing a video in full screen mode and you click a folder or anything on a different monitor, the task bar is visible above the video and you cant get to the scrubber on the video or icon to reduce the full screen unless you either click the video, or click the browser icon in the taskbar to make it active again. So what I am saying is this problem we are having acts like what I described, even if you have focus (active) on the browser, it is still hiding behind the taskbar.
Jan 20, 2021  • #25
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Kevin,

Interesting, could you confirm for me that you have "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" unchecked?

Could you also send me a copy of your troubleshooting info while the taskbar is sitting on top of one of your applications? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Jan 20, 2021  • #26
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15 discussion posts
I lost track of the discussion due to being busy with work. In my scenario, I do not have the browser full screened (F11). I'm using the full screen option that's in the YouTube interface to full screen the video player. However, I just tried full screening the browser with F11 and get the same result; the taskbar is in front of the browser window. For me, it doesn't matter if the window has focus or not. Full screening either the video or the browser works as expected on my primary monitor that's using the Microsoft taskbar. The issue occurs on the secondary monitor using the DisplayFusion taskbar. Can also confirm that "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" has always been unchecked.

Attaching debug info.
• Attachment [protected]: [32,184 bytes]
Feb 13, 2021  • #27
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Thanks for sending that over. If you head into your advanced setting in Display Fusion, can you disable the "Ignore Full Screen Windows" settings, and see if the issue persists?

Feb 17, 2021  • #28
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1 discussion post
I have the same issue.

For now I'm doing a workaround.

Close DisplayFusion,
Set the taskbar controlled by Windows to autohide in desktop mode,
Run DisplayFusion

So at least the window maximizes and I can see the bottom of the window.

I would prefer to see my taskbar with a maximized window, so let me know if you figure something out.
Feb 19, 2021 (modified Feb 19, 2021)  • #29
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15 discussion posts

Thanks for sending that over. If you head into your advanced setting in Display Fusion, can you disable the "Ignore Full Screen Windows" settings, and see if the issue persists?


Oh man, when I saw this reply, I first lol'd and then thought "please don't let that be the solution". Well, for me at least, that seems to have solved it, and I feel like a total jackass. I guess the logs performed their function though. I don't remember why I set that option. It was probably a long time ago for some trigger that had something to do with a game.
Feb 20, 2021  • #30
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15 discussion posts
EDIT: Restarted Explorer.exe and it seems OK now. 🤷‍♂️
Now there's a weird situation where the taskbar flickers and the start button flickers between grey and white. Also, the DisplayFusion start menu doesn't work. I've only noticed it when I have Edge not minimized. If I minimize Edge, the taskbar looks fine and works. If I use Chrome, the taskbar behaves normally as well. For some reason, it looks like the task bar is crashing and reloading when I have Edge visible. Oh, quite a bit of delay when pressing the start button as well.
EDIT: I should add that I did something a while back to turn my Microsoft task bar more transparent. It may have been a registry mod, I don't remember. I believe it was this:
• Attachment: 2021-02-20 15_23_08-.png [34,933 bytes]
2021-02-20 15_23_08-.png
2021-02-20 15_23_08-.png
Feb 20, 2021 (modified Feb 20, 2021)  • #31
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15 discussion posts
Recap: The taskbar flickering persists along with the DisplayFusion start menu button being mostly grey and flickering white occasionally. The start menu doesn't work when the button is grey. I only notice this when Edge is visible. I don't have Edge in F11 full screen mode. If I minimize Edge or use Chrome, the start menu button is white and works fine. I have a non Steam version of DF at work where I also use Edge, and I haven't noticed this issue there. I'll have to look to see if the "ignore full screen windows" advanced setting is enabled at work. If I reenable that setting at home, it seems to fix the taskbar flickering issue. I'll attach some images and another debug zip while the start menu is grey/non working and the advanced setting (ignore full screen windows) disabled.
• Attachment [protected]: [33,950 bytes]
• Attachment: flickering.png [48,383 bytes]
Feb 21, 2021 (modified Feb 21, 2021)  • #32
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

If you disable your compatibility setting that forces Edge to be treated as full screen, does the issue persist?

Feb 26, 2021  • #33
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15 discussion posts
The issue does NOT persist lmao. Apparently I've ended up with some odd and conflicting settings over the years and forgot about them. So I was likely having the issue with full screen YouTube videos being overlapped by the taskbar in Edge due to having the advanced setting "ignore full screen windows". I have no idea why I turned that on. Then I probably went and changed the compatibility setting to force Edge to be detected as full screen in an attempt to overcome the advanced setting I had forgotten about. 🤦‍♂️ If I turn off the advanced setting and remove the compatibility setting for Edge, it all seems to work as intended. You deserve a beer.
Feb 28, 2021 (modified Feb 28, 2021)  • #34
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Glad to hear we got it sorted out! If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Mar 2, 2021  • #35
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15 discussion posts
Was there a fix to the Windows (not DP) taskbar sitting on top of applications? I run Microsoft Teams, Discord, Chrome, and others in a 4 split monitor configuration. If I maximize the app within the split window, the Windows taskbar sits on top of the application.
May 18, 2021 (modified May 18, 2021)  • #36
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

May 19, 2021  • #37
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15 discussion posts
Here ya go.
• Attachment [protected]: [40,265 bytes]
May 19, 2021  • #38
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Does the issue persist if you aren't running any monitor splits?

Could you also try disabling "Ignore Full Screen Windows" in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings window, and see if that helps?

May 20, 2021  • #39
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15 discussion posts
Removing all splits seems to resolve the issue if I maximize an app window. The ignore full screen windows doesn't fix it. The Windows taskbar sits on a maximed app within the split.

If I auto hide the taskbar it drops below the app.
• Attachment [protected]: 2021-05-20 14_57_23-.png [31,953 bytes]
May 20, 2021 (modified May 20, 2021)  • #40
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

I'll attach a link to 9.7.2 beta 10, where we had a similar issue that should have been fixed up. Can you try rolling back and letting me know if the issue persists?


beta 10:
May 21, 2021  • #41
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15 discussion posts
Didn't help. FWIW, if I use "Move Window to Next Monitor" shortcut it is better but still slightly within the taskbar frame. Images are of two apps maximized within the bottom two splits.
• Attachment [protected]: taskbar 2.png [20,389 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: taskbar.png [20,386 bytes]
May 21, 2021  • #42
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Interesting, thanks for testing that for me. Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

May 21, 2021  • #43
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15 discussion posts
Here is the log. Time is at the time of this post (2:43pm central)
• Attachment [protected]: [71,846 bytes]
May 21, 2021  • #44
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Thanks for sending that over, I believe I was able to reproduce the issue on my end. If you use 1 horizontal split, rather then a 4 split configuration, does the issue persist?

May 26, 2021  • #45
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15 discussion posts
It appears to work ok with a horizontal only split.
May 27, 2021  • #46
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Could you send me over a backup of your DisplayFusion Settings? You can grab them in the Options tab of the DisplayFusion Settings window, using the "Export Settings" button.

May 27, 2021  • #47
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15 discussion posts
Here are the settings.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2021-05-27 @ 16-13,, DESKTOP-978EJVJ, SettingsWindow).reg [594,474 bytes]
May 27, 2021  • #48
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Thanks for sending that over. I spoke too soon, as I can't seem to reproduce the issue on my end anymore, but based on the log you sent over, it does seem like DisplayFusion is setting the wrong bounds. I've added this to our list to look into, and noted down your contact information, so we'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it in the future.

Jun 2, 2021  • #49
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Scott Bursik
1 discussion post
I'm on the beta of the latest and the problem is still happening. It drives me crazy. A reset of the taskbars sometimes corrects it, but mostly not.
• Attachment [protected]: 2021-09-02 04_54_23-.png [645,596 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [550,063 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: [41,920 bytes]
Sep 2, 2021 (modified Sep 2, 2021)  • #50
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Scott,

Is this only happening when you have a vertical split set as well?

Sep 2, 2021  • #51
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Tyler Vorpahl
5 discussion posts
I am experiencing what people are already mentioning in this thread, maximizing google chrome on my second monitor is showing it clipped/hidden underneath the task bar

Google chrome is full screen, but it is not aware of the taskbar mounted at the bottom of my screen

I am using the latest beta downloaded an hour ago today
Jul 10, 2022  • #52
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Tyler,

Are you running Start11 as well?

Jul 11, 2022  • #53
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Tyler Vorpahl
5 discussion posts
Hi Tyler,
Are you running Start11 as well?

Yes I am - is there something I should do?
Jul 21, 2022 (modified Jul 21, 2022)  • #54
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Tyler,

We are aware of this issue if you have "Enhance the taskbar" enabled in Start11. Disabling that should fix this up.

Jul 21, 2022  • #55
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Tyler Vorpahl
5 discussion posts
Hi Tyler,

We are aware of this issue if you have "Enhance the taskbar" enabled in Start11. Disabling that should fix this up.


That fixed the issue - thank you so much!
• Attachment: start 11.png [314,471 bytes]
start 11.png
start 11.png
Jul 21, 2022  • #56
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear!
Jul 22, 2022  • #57
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Daz Talbot
9 discussion posts
Disabling the option in Start 11 also disabled the taskbar grouping forcing an Icons only mode.

I noticed that restarting explorer allows me to keep the option enabled whilst also allowing windows to not go behind the Displayfusion (DF) taskbar.

I added a batch file containing the command:
c:\windows\system32\taskkill.exe /F /IM explorer.exe & start explorer
to my system and had DF call it as a function on system start.

For some reason, it didn't work calling the command directly from DF with parameters. Always exited with code 1. Batch file seems to work fine though.
Oct 25, 2022  • #58
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Daz: Does the single restart of explorer at startup seem to fix it, or does it break again some time after startup?
Oct 26, 2022  • #59
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Mike Housiaux
2 discussion posts
Hi Tyler,

We are aware of this issue if you have "Enhance the taskbar" enabled in Start11. Disabling that should fix this up.


Is there going to be a fix or some other type of work around with this issue?
I don't like to have my icons combined so use Start11 to manage stopping that behaviour.

Mar 5, 2023  • #60
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Daz Talbot
9 discussion posts
@Daz: Does the single restart of explorer at startup seem to fix it, or does it break again some time after startup?

sorry. i was never noticed of your response. this workaround stopped working. restarting explorer no longer fixes it even temporarily.
Mar 5, 2023  • #61
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Daz Talbot: We noticed that here too :(

@Mike Housiaux: It's not something we can fix from our end, unfortunately. It's a Windows bug triggered by Start 11. When an "appbar" window is created (basically a docked window, which is what the taskbar is), Windows is supposed to adjust its workarea to reserve space for the docked appbar. For some reason when Start11 has the "enhance taskbar" option enabled, it's causing Windows to no longer reserve space for docked appbars. You can see the same behaviour with other taskbar apps as well, like this one: Restarting explorer.exe used to resolve it temporarily, but after either a recent Windows update or Start11 update, that no longer works either :(
Mar 6, 2023  • #62
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1 discussion post
Any updates on a fix for this?

I've found that disabling then re-enabling the enhanced taskbar in Start11 (which also restarts explorer) fixes the issue, but it intermittently comes back.

Just restarting explorer doesn't fix it like others have said.

Edit: If not, is this problem also in StartAllBack? Or are there any others that don't have this issue? I might just return Start11 and try another if that's the case.
Jul 5, 2023 (modified Jul 5, 2023)  • #63
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It's not fixable from our end, but we just had another customer post this solution you could try:

I believe it's just Start11 as well.
Jul 5, 2023  • #64
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3 discussion posts
It's not fixable from our end, but we just had another customer post this solution you could try:

I believe it's just Start11 as well.

It's not Start11 - I don't use Start11 at all, and still have the issue, just normal Windows 11 fully updated.
Aug 28, 2023  • #65
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