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1 discussion post
I recently added a third monitor (my TV) to my setup. However, all of my wallpapers are setup for two monitors. Is there a way to have a wallpaper stretch across two monitors, but not the third? It currently places my 2-monitor wallpapers smack in the middle of all three. I don't want to stretch or crop-to-height. All of my wallpapers are custom made and the same aspect ratio, but they are all different resolutions.

I've tried the Image Position modification (moving the wallpaper to the left on all three monitors, so that it doesn't show on the third), which works OK for one instance, but the modification would need to be different for every wallpaper, and it doesn't appear to hold that setting when set to randomize.
Mar 22, 2013 (modified Mar 22, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not currently possible, but it's something that's planned for a future version. I've added your info to the list, and we'll be sure to post an update as soon as we're able to implement it.

Mar 22, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 6.0 Beta 7, and you can now combine monitors while using the Different Image background mode, so that you can have an image span certain monitors, but not others.

Details on how it works can be found here:

May 23, 2014  • #3
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