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User Image
273 discussion posts
Look at the following pictures for 3.0.103 under Vista SP1 4GB. The Titlebar buttons disappear when the window is maximized.
• Attachment: 1restored.jpg [136,028 bytes]
• Attachment: 2Maximized.jpg [129,692 bytes]
Jul 9, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
First, let me say that I have never seen so many icons in one place before. :) I'll check this issue out before Beta 4. I ran into some problems like this in Windows 7 before releasing Beta 3, but I thought I had them all fixed - I guess not.
Jul 9, 2009  • #2
User Image
273 discussion posts
This actually a lot weirder than I thought. The buttons disappear only on the primary monitor, not from the secondary monitor. They disappear if I move or drag the window from the secondary to the primary, or if I maximize any window so it maximizes on the primary. The buttons display properly on the secondary. I am copying the end of the log (showing an error) and the troubleshooting info below. The primary is a 12" Tablet PC (Lenovo X61T) and the secondary is a DELL 24". The graphics are Intel 965.

Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5007 :: CTRL;WIN;68 :: Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5008 :: CTRL;WIN;69 :: Move window to previous monitor and maximize)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5009 :: CTRL;WIN;40 :: Size and move window to bottom side of monitor)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5010 :: CTRL;WIN;37 :: Size and move window to left side of monitor)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5011 :: CTRL;WIN;39 :: Size and move window to right side of monitor)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5012 :: CTRL;WIN;38 :: Size and move window to top side of monitor)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5013 :: CTRL;WIN;192 :: Span window across all monitors)
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: HotKey Registered. (5014 :: CTRL;WIN;82 :: Next random wallpaper image (Pro only))
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: TitleBarManager Closing...
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: TitleBarManager: Done
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: TitleBarManager: Starting...
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:12:13: TitleBarManager:SafeProcessItem Failed: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.
Jul 09, 2009 @ 12:23:12: Taskbar:ProcessButtons TaskbarEnum Join Failed.

--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1
Operating System Version: 6.0.6001.65536
Detected Version: WindowsVista / 2008
CPU: x86
Date/Time (UTC): 07/09/2009 19:22:17
Date/Time (Local): 07/09/2009 12:22:17
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.3074
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

--- Wallpaper ------------
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: C:\Users\Robert\Pictures\Wall Paper\20090117_0767_Nasturium.JPG
Monitor #2 Image: C:\Users\Robert\Documents\_WIP\Wallpaper\Japanese_Maple_MG_4969.jpg

--- DisplayFusion ------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v3.0.103 (Beta 3)
Build Date: Jul 08, 2009 22:06
Pro: True
Pro License: 101-POQR-3842-WHDQ (truncated)
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion
Performance Mode: False
Mouse Hooks: True
Application Hooks: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
Size: 48,304 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 6, 0, 0
Size: 60,592 bytes

--- Monitor 1------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Primary: True
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1024,Height=768}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1024,Height=768}

--- Monitor 2------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY2
Primary: False
Bounds: {X=1024,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1200}
WorkArea: {X=1024,Y=2,Width=1920,Height=1198}

--- Screens ------------
Count: 2
Point Min X: 0
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 2944
Point Max Y: 1200
Total Width: 2944
Total Height: 1200
ActiveDesktop: False

--- Screen 1------------
ScreenID: 0
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1024,Height=768}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 2------------
ScreenID: 1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
Bounds: {X=1024,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1200}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Managed Threads ------------
Count: 6
ID:3 ~ Name:TaskbarManager ~ Age:00:41:48.3630000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TaskbarManager_314ce5bb-fc14-450c-ab53-9f7ac48d1d2a
ID:4 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:00:41:48.3610000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_898d6b6f-cbb4-4e07-8422-192850270b5e
ID:6 ~ Name:HookFormProcess ~ Age:00:41:48.3090000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookFormProcess_34596dac-fcf1-4dbe-ac0a-9f8a72057a5b
ID:107 ~ Name:TitleBarManager ~ Age:00:10:04.3780000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TitleBarManager_86681cc6-4a21-470c-b62f-be22f9cc5dcc
ID:26 ~ Name:Hook:WM_LBUTTONDOWN ~ Age:00:00:00.3320000 ~ Alive:False ~ BG:x ~ State:Stopped ~ Thread Name:Hook:WM_LBUTTONDOWN_7725b3c0-7e0c-4afe-8ef2-b358d40b2e05
ID:43 ~ Name:TaskbarEnum ~ Age:00:00:00.3030000 ~ Alive:False ~ BG:x ~ State:Stopped ~ Thread Name:TaskbarEnum_6995a4a6-59ac-43e8-8169-e46782f6b984

--- Taskbars ------------
Enabled: True
Auto-hide: True
Visual Styles: True
Visual Styles Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: True
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: True
Window Options: AllShowAll
Button Width Max: 160
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Full Screen: 00000000 ~ {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} ~ None
Count: 1

--- Taskbar 1------------
Location: {X=1024,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=2}
Monitor ID: 2
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
TopMost: False
Buttons (5):
"ComSamp - Microsoft Visual C++ - [ComSampDlg.cpp]" (00250cbe:00250cbe:00250cbe ~ GCL_HIconSM ~ None ~ {X=2097,Y=359,Width=1024,Height=768})
"Post reply - Mozilla Firefox" (00200f94:00200f94:00200f94 ~ GCL_HIconSM ~ None ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1040,Height=784})
"Inbox for - Thunderbird" (00620b08:00620b08:00620b08 ~ Icon_Small2 ~ None ~ {X=1024,Y=2,Width=1024,Height=768})
"20090626" (002e09a2:002e09a2:002e09a2 ~ Icon_Small2 ~ None ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1040,Height=784})
"Microsoft Photo Editor" (001706fc:001706fc:001706fc ~ GCL_HIconSM ~ None ~ {X=1016,Y=-6,Width=1936,Height=1214})

--- Deleted Items (0)------------

--- TitleBar Buttons ------------
Enabled: True
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
Count: 5
"Post reply - Mozilla Firefox" (00200f94 ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1040,Height=784} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x64)
"ComSamp - Microsoft Visual C++ - [ComSampDlg.cpp]" (00250cbe ~ {X=2097,Y=359,Width=1024,Height=768} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x64)
"Microsoft Photo Editor" (001706fc ~ {X=1016,Y=-6,Width=1936,Height=1214} ~ Visible:True ~ Process:x64)
"20090626" (002e09a2 ~ {X=-8,Y=-8,Width=1040,Height=784} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x64)
"Inbox for - Thunderbird" (00620b08 ~ {X=1024,Y=2,Width=1024,Height=768} ~ Visible:False ~ Process:x64)
Jul 9, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you update to Beta 4 and let me know if the problem is still happening? Does this problem happen with all applications, or just some?
Jul 10, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This problem has been fixed in Beta 7. Thanks!
Jul 19, 2009  • #5
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