Steven Douglas
19 discussion posts
On my second monitor, I have 3 or 4 different configurations I use regularly that I would like to be able to do with the DF Titlebar, but have not figured out how to do it if it is even possible.
For example, on the second monitor I might have the left half for Outlook and the upper right corner one Messenger window and the bottom right another that I leave open all day; sometimes I might even have four.
What I'd like to do is have different Titlebar buttons for these configurations rather than having to use the keys. Speaking of which, if it isn't yet possible to do this with the Titlebar, I think there is a way to do this the keys I don't remember how to do it, but maybe someone else does.

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
What do you mean different configs for each? Why not just enable all the buttons you will use and leave it at that?

Steven Douglas
19 discussion posts
Wrong choice of words....maybe layout would have been more accurate. I'm looking for a way to use TitleBar buttons for screen layouts for windows; quadrants or one window one half and two windows on the other. Does that make more sense?

Steven Douglas
19 discussion posts
In Pro 3.1.7/Settings/TitleBar Settings/Add/TitleBar Button/Windows Aero, whenever I select a button, another one appears instead unless I try to match that selection in the HotKey drop down (why would that be necessary?), but the problem is that the options are not the same in both. In TitleBar, Windows - Aero - Top Right Corner appears, but not in HotKey which means I can't use that button. I'm trying to do a quadrant set-up.
It would be really helpful if possible to apply different colors or something like that to different buttons. They aren't that big and distinct from each other to quickly and easily tell the difference between them. Maybe there is another way already available I haven't yet found??
Just select the HotKey from the list on the top, and the image will be selected automatically from the list below. You can't create HotKeys yet to move multiple windows around, but you can create HotKeys to make a window move to the top-left of a screen and be sized to a specific pixel size. This way you could move windows into different quadrants of the screen. You would just need to make 4 different HotKeys, one for each quadrant. Is this what you are looking for?

Steven Douglas
19 discussion posts
I want to use TitleBar Buttons and NOT HotKeys. With TB's, I want to be able to place a window in any one of the four quadrants on a screen. If there four TB's each showing a different quadrant, then I could just click that button to place the window there. Lets say I wanted to put Outlook on the entire left half of the screen I can easily do that now with a TB, but how would I place one Messenger window in the upper right corner and one just below it in the lower right...or reverse that scenario? With four quadrant TB's, it would be very quick and easy. Make sense?
I got two monitors so I could have one for Outlook and Messenger windows and the other for my main use and this would be a great feature to have. TB's are much easier for me because I can barely remember all of the many Hot Keys I have for now without adding more.
Thanks Jon!