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1 discussion post

I'm hoping to upgrade to the PAID version of DisplayFusion, but the one main feature which I used the most and loved the most - doesnt seem to work the way I wanted to anymore :(

Basically, I used to set up (on an old pc), the key set Ctrl+Alt+NUM 6 which would

  • reposition the active window to the right, and adjust it to 100% of the RIGHT HALF of the screen

Then, when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+NUM 6 again, it would

  • keep the active window to the right side, and adjust it to 50% of the RIGHT HALF of the screen

Then finally, when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+NUM 6 again, it would:

  • keep the active window to the right side, and adjust it to 25% of the RIGHT HALF of the screen

It sounds confusing, but I hope it makes sense :)

Here is an image I put together of the sizes of the active window when toggling Ctrl+Alt+NUM 6

Really would appreciate any help - Im a huge fan of DisplayFusion and want to buy the full licence, I just need to make sure it does this basic need :)

Extra note: I would likewise set up Ctrl+Alt+NUM 4 for the left, Ctrl+Alt+NUM 2 for the top and Ctrl+Alt+NUM 2 for the bottom
• Attachment: toggle.png [45,545 bytes]
Jun 28, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hmmm... DisplayFusion should never have been able to do that :) Perhaps it was actually a bug in an older version. Do you know what version you used to be able to do this on?
Jun 28, 2011  • #2
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