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156 discussion posts

Is there a way to trigger an action when the screens are coming back from sleep?
I don't put the computer to sleep, only the displays, and don't lock it either.
Tried both "Desktop unlocked" and "System Wakes from Sleep" trigger events but none of them works for waking displays.

Aug 3, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately there isn't an event that's sent when the monitors wake from sleep for us to fire a trigger off of.

Aug 3, 2022  • #2
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156 discussion posts
That's what I was afraid of. :(
How about some "inverted" system idle?
I'm trying to work out a solution to move windows back to their positions after waking up the monitors. I was thinking of setting a flag when the timed window position save function runs and unset it when something is happening, but that would still require some trigger. Do you maybe have an idea for something like that?
Just to clarify, I've read this article
and I'm doing something similar but trying to avoid having to use a keybind after waking the monitors. So, anything that happens around that would work, like a trigger that would fire when the mouse is moved, any process (explorer.exe, idk, something that starts, restarts or does anything "triggerable").
Aug 3, 2022  • #3
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156 discussion posts
Another idea: since this whole rearranging problem is caused by monitors being "detected" in a different order, maybe there is something that fires when Windows adds a "new" display?
Aug 3, 2022  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We have a feature request for a "System No Longer Idle" event, which sounds like that would work for you, so I've added your vote to it.

You might also be interested in this guide instead: DisplayFusion should be auto detecting your monitor profiles, so you can create a trigger that fire's when the monitor profile is loaded.

Hope that helps!
Aug 4, 2022  • #5
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156 discussion posts
Thank you for the suggestion about the other guide but unfortunately, that does not work for me because the monitor profile is not changed (I have tried it with and also without specifying a profile in the trigger condition, neither works). I think it's because nothing actually changes physically, the monitors get the same display ID after waking up so they look the same.

A "System no longer idle" trigger would be a perfect solution for me.
Is this feature request public? I've tried to search in the forums but can't find it, I'd just like to bookmark it to track progress.

Aug 4, 2022  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay. Our feature request is for internal use only as well. We'll post here if we have anything further on this going forward.

Aug 4, 2022  • #7
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156 discussion posts
Alright then, I'll just track this one, thanks!
Aug 4, 2022  • #8
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