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Stacey Ryan1
15 discussion posts
Trying to get used to the newly updated Window Location screen and I'm having an issue with all the new options.

I've always had both my Outlook and Skype auto-start with Windows.In the older version of DisplayFusion, I had the Window Location force these apps to different monitors and maximize at start up. And all was well.

It seems now with this new model (with all the extra features) the set up is not quite as simple so I've been playing around trying to get the DisplayFusion to do exactly what it did before.

I managed to get it so Outlook performs like I want but the same settings do not seem to work for Skype (even though I want it to do the same thing).

I have attached a pic of the setting I have. These settings work for outlook. It starts up on the correct monitor in maximized mode. Skype however, starts up in the taskbar only. It does not start up on a monitor until I double-click on the taskbar icon. then it will appear on the correct monitor and fully maximized.

Just to be clear, before DisplayFusion got the advanced settings for Window Location Skype did start fully maximized at windows startup.
• Attachment [protected]: SkypeWinLocation.PNG [29,956 bytes]
Aug 11, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I wonder if the rule is triggering before the Skype window is fully created. If you add a Wait action (try 5000ms) and move that to the top of the actions list so that it comes before the Move Window to Monitor #2 action, does that help at all?
Aug 12, 2016  • #2
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Stacey Ryan1
15 discussion posts
no, the wait didn't seem to help.

I did notice though that it only really seems to be an issue at windows startup. If I have already logged in and have to re-start skype then the window location settings apply accordingly. However, if I reboot or logout/in to windows then the window location settings fail (i.e. the skype window doesn't maximize). I know this work in a previous DisplayFusion version.
Aug 15, 2016 (modified Aug 15, 2016)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting. Did you want to try the previous version out? If so, here's the link to download it:

Make sure to backup your settings before downgrading, as the Triggers/Window Location rules will be cleared when going from 8.0 back to 7.3.4.
Aug 19, 2016  • #4
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