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Steven Robert Ulrich397728
4 discussion posts

I'm trying to author scripts that manipulate window sizes and positions. I'm having trouble finding a document that explains the coordinate system used by DisplayFusion. Is there a tutorial that describes the coordinate systems for monitors and windows? I'd like to understand the coordinates returned by "GetBounds", "GetMonitorWorkArea", etc. so that I can precisely place my windows on any specific monitor.
Jun 28, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can find our documentation on those functions here:

The 0,0 location is based on the top left of your primary monitor, and any co-ordinates are relative to that (negatives values move left and down, positive values move up and right). "Bounds" are generally the full resolution of the monitor, and the "WorkArea" is the bounds minus the space reserved for the taskbar.

Hope that helps!
Jun 29, 2022  • #2
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Steven Robert Ulrich397728
4 discussion posts
Thanks much Owen. I was initially confused because I was doing my work on my primary monitor, so the coordinates for my window appeared to be relative to (0,0). I can see now that if I'd done my experiments on non-primary monitor, my window coordinates would have clearly been within the bounds of the other monitor's coordinate system.

As a suggestion, a diagram in your documentation that showed a multi-monitor setup on a coordinate plane, with the primary monitor placed at (0,0), plus a secondary monitor (with coordinates shown at the corners) and a couple of windows (one on each monitor) would help users ( like me :) ) visualize the coordinate system more easily. Just a suggestion.
Jun 30, 2022  • #3
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