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Craig Myers
2 discussion posts
Hello, I have owned this tool for a while and used it for a single 4 monitor configuration. I changed jobs and now am running a laptop with a docking station at work AND at home. At work, I have two 4K 2560x1440 with laptop open as 3rd. At home, I have 2 1920x1080 with laptop closed. While Display Fusion manages the monitor an application is open on, it will not remember the position and size of the window.

In previous versions of Display Fusion there was a Window Location option in the Settings but that seems gone now. Is this feature removed? This seems to me a basic functionality of multiple monitor profiles because having different setups with the exact same resolution is almost never going to happen.
Oct 25, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Window Location was replaced by Triggers. Please see this how-to guide on the new Triggers feature:

If you still run into any trouble, please let me know!
Oct 28, 2016  • #2
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