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2 discussion posts
I have:
Windows XP Professional
Plug and Play Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce FX5200
NVIDIA Control Panel Version 1.5.2400.14
Dell 1703FP 17 inch desktop Display connected to the computer with a VGA cable.
Panasonic VIERA 42 inch 1080P / 600 Hz plasma TV connected with a DVI to HDMI converter at the computer, with an HDMI cable plugged into the TV.

What I want to accomplish is:

I would like to view the exact same thing at the same time on both displays, including the Start menu and Task bar. When I have a document open on one display I want to see the exact same document on the other display whether that be a word document, Excel spreadsheet, web page, video or whatever, and when I move my curser or type on one display I want to view the exact same thing happening at the same time on the other display.

Can I set the 42 inch TV resolution and the 17 inch desktop display resolution independently and still accomplish what I am looking for even though the two displays are different?

Can your software help me to accomplish what I am looking for?

Thank you,
Feb 28, 2011  • #1
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26 discussion posts
Have you tryed pressing the windows key and the p button then select duplicate?
Feb 28, 2011  • #2
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2 discussion posts
I have not purchased the software yet. I want to know if it will do what I described.

Will it?
Feb 28, 2011  • #3
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32 discussion posts
In my experience, you can do this by duplicating the displays, which automatically sets them to the same resolution. This is the only way that makes sense to me.

Why do you need different resolutions?

(Win + P is a shortcut that only works on Windows 7, but it's the same)
Mar 1, 2011  • #4
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26 discussion posts
its only for 7? oops sorry :( and i have bought the application but i dont think it will do what you want it to, it may in the future but maybe its a windows thing, what OS are you running on your machine?
Mar 1, 2011  • #5
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
you can NOT get them at different resolutions. it just wont work. the screens have to be at the same, theres no way to get them different. This is due to if you move the mouse one pizel on the smaller res screen, whats it gonna do on the bigger?
Mar 1, 2011  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Kevin is correct, the only way to achieve what you want is to run your displays at the same resolution, which may not work with your TV and smaller monitor.
Mar 14, 2011  • #7
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