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3 discussion posts
Hello ot everyone, I'm new to the forum and hope i dont ask something already asked by others. If so if you can redirect me and I'll remove this discussion.

I have a 32:9 display with 3 profiles prepared, a full classic one, a middle split to recreate 2 displays and a 3 split with a full monitor in the middle and 2 little ones on the sides.
My problem is with the taskbar, I dont have a problem with the taskbar splitting for each display (in fact it's better), but with the 3 split I would like to remove the middle taskbar because overlays any windowed game that i put over it. The same goes for the 2 split displays that I would like to have only the taskbar on the right and not the one on the left.
I tried with most stufff that i can understand but nothing else comes to mind.

Hope to find the solution here.
Dec 2, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can right click an empty spot on any DisplayFusion taskbar and head to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Disabled, to remove it. If it's the Windows taskbar, you won't be able to disable it but you can move it to a different split ID with this advanced setting:

Hope that helps!
Dec 3, 2024  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Thank you! that helped a bit! the only problem remaining now is that if in the 2 split monitor i move the windows bar to the right and disable the left one (so in the move bar section i typed 1.2), in the 3 way split view i have the most left one hidden, the middle becomes the windows one and the right one is shown.

Is there any workaround? like setting for each profile how the taskbars function?
Dec 3, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yeah we don't have a work around there, it will need to be changed in the advanced settings when you swap profiles unfortunately
Dec 4, 2024  • #4
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3 discussion posts
That's unfortunate,

I hoped that i could atleast keybind it so i can swap that separately from the display.
Dec 4, 2024  • #5
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