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10 discussion posts
Nothing pops up when i select the option from the app or dropdown menu. The our apps tab also does not load. I have already downloaded and run WebView2 Runtime installer and was met with a window that read it was already installed. I have also restarted and reinstalled the app but nothing has worked. Please help! i am stuck with all black wallpaper for now :(
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [5,885 bytes]
Apr 15, 2023  • #1
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troubleshooting info
• Attachment [protected]: [2,428 bytes]
Apr 15, 2023  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Did you manually install WebView, or did you let it install through the DisplayFusion prompt?
Apr 18, 2023  • #3
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i downloaded it from this link ( and ran it. A window popped up saying it had already been installed
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot_2.png [69,016 bytes]
Apr 19, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you uninstall Webview through the "Add/Remove Programs" section in Windows, and then re-install DisplayFusion (where it should prompt to install it directly), and see if the issue persists?
Apr 20, 2023  • #5
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10 discussion posts
i uninstalled webview and then uninstalled and reinstalled displayfusion but nothing changed and nothing prompted another webview installation. I reinstalled webview using the link and the same message popped up. i checked in "add / remove programs" and in control panel and it dosent show its installed.:'(
Apr 20, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, if you open your registry editor do you have this path?


Apr 21, 2023  • #7
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no there is edge but no edgeupdate (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge). Although i dont know if this helps but there is edgeupdate in HKCU (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate). picture attached is in HKCU
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot_2.png [21,328 bytes]
Apr 22, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Apr 25, 2023  • #9
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10 discussion posts
Here it is is. I tried to open the desktop wallpaper menu a few times right as it turned 16:44
• Attachment [protected]: [55,168 bytes]
Apr 25, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some changes that might help here, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?
May 3, 2023  • #11
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i updated to the latest beta and yes the issue still persists
May 8, 2023  • #12
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
With this beta we've added two new advanced settings: Disable WebView2 GPU Rendering, and Disable WebView2 Software Rasterizer. Could you try a combination of enabling/disabling both of them, and enabling them together, and see if anything fixes it?
May 8, 2023  • #13
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i changed and restarted with every configuration of those two settings but nothing changed for any of them :(
May 10, 2023  • #14
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Does your computer have more then one user?
May 26, 2023  • #15
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nope just me
May 26, 2023  • #16
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This is really strange, if you run the webview installer as admin, does that make any difference?
May 29, 2023  • #17
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10 discussion posts
YES! It did! I just had to run it as admin and it downloaded it correctly. Now the menu opens. I cant believe it was something so simple and i dont know why it would be like that. Either way thankyou for your help! i am so psyched to use my wallpapers again :)
Jun 2, 2023  • #18
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear!
Jun 2, 2023  • #19
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