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2 discussion posts
I'm looking to switch from Actual Window manager, as it's multi-monitor window positioning leaves a lot to be desired, but I can't figure out 1 crucial thing. I'm trying to add a titlebar button to resize/position various windows to specific placements. I have created a function for each 1 of 2 apps, but when I add the "move" titlebar button it moves BOTH apps/windows to the same place? How can I have a titlebar button on window 1 that moves window 1 to a certain place, and a button on window 2 to move window 2 to a DIFFERENT place?

The closest I have come to what I want is to have the button for BOTH apps in the titlebar of BOTH windows

but I need 1 button per titlebar that runs 1 specific size/position function on that ONE window?
Sep 8, 2014 (modified Sep 8, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for checking out DisplayFusion! At the moment, it's not possible to have a different set of TitleBar Buttons for each application, so your workaround of having both buttons in the titlebar is the best option for now.

We do have an open feature request for the ability to customize which applications get which buttons. I've added your vote, and we'll be sure to let you know if we're able to implement it in a future version :)

Sep 9, 2014  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Thanks for checking out DisplayFusion! At the moment, it's not possible to have a different set of TitleBar Buttons for each application, so your workaround of having both buttons in the titlebar is the best option for now.

Ouch, that's impractical, as I currently have around 12 windows that I have specific size/position placements for. Oh well, thanks for the reply
Sep 10, 2014  • #3
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1 discussion post
Please add my vote to the list for this feature, it would be of huge assistance.
Sep 29, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@dwheeler: Vote added!
Sep 30, 2015  • #5
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1 discussion post
5 years later and this is still not implemented?!
I also can't believe there is no option to hide titlebar buttons on windows that do not resize for example...
Dec 1, 2020  • #6
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1 discussion post
Wow, STILL nothing? Is this app still in development? It's an essential feature. Come on, you can't even open two Chrome windows and use a titlebar button to set one window to a main window size/position then the other one to set a side window size/position?

Please tell me we've evolved enough as a species that there is a 1-2 click solution to do this. 😣
Jan 26, 2022  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This isn't something we've added in but we do still have it open as a feature request, so I've added your vote to it.

Jan 26, 2022  • #8
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Jeffen Nilsson
117 discussion posts
Add my vote to it as well.

It would be really nice to have application specific titlebar buttons since it becomes pretty confusing to have all buttons on all windows. :)
Feb 20, 2024  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added!
Feb 20, 2024  • #10
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36 discussion posts
Please add my Vote. Very much needed. Thank you.
Apr 10, 2024  • #11
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