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Steve Tilley
2 discussion posts
Hi there,

I started using DisplayFusion so that I can use my second monitor whilst gaming and clicking it wouldn't minimise the game (amongst other things). This feature (Prevent Window Deactivation) works really well when set on a per-application basis.

However, when I set it for "All Applications" I then cannot change options within DisplayFusion for some reason. As in, anything that opens a second window (like Advanced Settings, or even trying to set another Window Location rule) will not function correctly. It opens the window up and shows everything, and options even highlight when the mouse goes over them, but clicking has no effect whatsoever.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this? Maybe set it as affecting all applications EXCEPT DisplayFusion? I don't know if that's possible, or how to do it if it is...

Any help would be appreciated! I have a lot of games installed, and don't want to have to set the rule for every one of them individually...

Oct 22, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Setting that Function for all applications will cause a lot of issues with anything that isn't a game. You can specify multiple games in the same rule, just use something like this in the Application field:


It's still a bit of work, but will be much better than having that Function apply to every application that opens on your system :)
Oct 23, 2013  • #2
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Steve Tilley
2 discussion posts
Thanks for the help!

How would I go about entering it for several games under 1 rule? Just as you typed it, with the | and *?

For most games I have to browse to them, they don't show up in the list (maybe because they are not installed on the C drive?)

Thanks again!

Oct 25, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! Just enter it the same as my example, * and | included. The star will make it match the game, regardless of where it is on the drive, so you just need to know the EXE names for each one.

For example, to have the rule match Payday 2 and Battlefield 4, you would put the following in the Application box:


Oct 29, 2013  • #4
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