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Martha Thode
3 discussion posts
I don't think I will be very good explaining what my problem is. I recently replace my old PS/2 KVM switch with a new USB switch and now the 2nd monitor display is bigger than monitor 1 and the image on monitor 2 moves all over the place when I move my mouse on it. They are identical monitors and the screen size is 1280x800 for both of them.

Hope you know what it is I am trying to explain. Having to move my mouse back and forth on monitor 2 to see everything is driving me nuts.
Aug 30, 2011  • #1
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256 discussion posts
It almost sounds like that monitor is zoomed in...
Aug 31, 2011  • #2
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Martha Thode
3 discussion posts
That's exactly what is it. According to the display properties both monitors are set at 1280 x 800. Then when using the buttons on the monitors to check the settings the monitor on the right (the one zoomed in) says it is set at 1024x768.

I tried adjusting the settings in 3 different area, display properties, Display Fusion, and ATI catalyst control center. Each of these say both monitors are set at 1280 x 800.

Help this zoomed in thing is driving me nuts.
Aug 31, 2011  • #3
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Martha Thode
3 discussion posts
I fixed it!!

In the ATI Catalyst Control Center under monitor properties/attributes I unchecked "Use Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) or driver defaults.
Aug 31, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Aug 31, 2011  • #5
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