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92 discussion posts
i really hope this is fixable by you guys, not sure why it does this but if im using prevent dactivation to play a game on my main monitor/pc and i move to my accessory display - no problems.

however, if i move from that accessory display to a completely new pc/backup pc with synergy (basically just keep moving the mouse to the right and it appears on my other pc's monitor - it immediately minimizes the game on my main screen like i alt tabbed out.

this fixable?
Sep 19, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not sure if we can fix this. All the Prevent Deactivation function is doing is preventing the window from receiving the "focus lost" message. I'm not sure why/how Synergy would be interfering with that, but we'll definitely look into it when we have some time. If we're able to fix it up, we'll be sure to let you know!

Sep 20, 2016  • #2
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