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1 discussion post

I am running Windows 11 and using DisplayFusion Steam in its currently newest version v.10.0 (Beta 22).

Since today, DisplayFusion suddenly crashes on every startup of the app after like 5 sec. If I am fast I can get into the settings and even when the settings are open the Taskbar icons disappears.

I use it every day and from yesterday to today I cannot recall that I changed anything in my system but I have to say since Day 1 of using DisplayFusion (since around January) I am used that around 50% of the time when I boot my system that it crashes once and I have to restart the app.

This usually did not bother me much because its just once and I don't reboot my PC very often but now its completely unusable.

Please help, log is attached.
• Attachment [protected]: [195,219 bytes]
Mar 28, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Does an error appear, or does it silently exit?
Mar 28, 2023  • #2
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