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1 discussion post
The "Enable maximized window dragging between monitors" option under "Window Management" stopped working this morning when I upgraded to the newest version (v3.1.6 ). I can still middle click on the window and it will be moved to the other monitor, but I can no longer drag a maximized window.

I checked with a friend that also has display fusion, and after upgrading he had the same issue.
Dec 7, 2009  • #1
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I also have this issue on Vista Ultimate (x64), exactly as described.
Dec 7, 2009  • #2
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Same here (win XP)...
Dec 7, 2009  • #3
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Works okay on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 7 x86 (Professional)
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Dec 8, 2009  • #4
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Works okay on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 7 x86 (Professional)

Behaviour also correct on Win7 x64 Enterprise
Dec 8, 2009  • #5
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Maximised dragging doesn't work on my 32bit Vista Enterpise either.
Dec 8, 2009  • #6
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Looks like the middle mouse click to move window to other monitor doesn't work now either. Odd though, I'm sure it used to previously with this 3.1.6 version. The title bar "move to next monitor" button works fine, just not the middle mouse button.

I also had problems closing DF. I though i'd try a restart to see if that sorted it, but after right clicking and exiting the program , it was still running in task manager and I had to end the process. Restarting it didn't enable the full screen drag or the middle moust click.
Dec 8, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Have any of you tried rebooting after experiencing this issue? It sounds like the hook failed to load properly, probably because of an older hook DLL being present. A reboot should cure it, but please follow-up to let me know. Thanks!
Dec 8, 2009  • #8
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A reboot did not help. I can still use the TitleBar Buttons and middle click methods, but I've always preferred dragging. No luck with the dragging. Again, this is on Vista Ultimate (x64).
Dec 8, 2009  • #9
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Same issue on Windows 7 Enterprise x86. Rebooting doesn't help. :-(
Dec 9, 2009  • #10
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So, that's our first reported case of it not working in Windows 7.
It might also be noteworthy that an uninstall and reinstall didn't fix the problem either.
Dec 9, 2009  • #11
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Me too... I.e. I installed 3.1.6 and lost all ability to drag maxed windows from screen to screen. Rebooted, no change; reinstalled, rebooted, no change. So I went back 3.1.5 and all is well. This is on an XP Pro machine.
Dec 9, 2009  • #12
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I'm also having this problem on 32bit XP Pro. Since moving to 3.1.6 I can't drag maximised windows between monitors, although it does work clicking with the middle mouse button in the titlebar.

There don't seem to be any errors that I can see in the Windows Event Log.
Dec 9, 2009  • #13
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Firestorm ZERO
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Same here. Not working in Windows XP 32-bit and Vista 64-bit. It was both working in v3.1.5.
Dec 9, 2009  • #14
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Same problem with my VISTA. After updating to 3.1.6, dragging full-size window to other monitor stopped working. Luckily, I save prior versions that work. Using Control Panel, Program and Features, I uninstalled everything that was DisplayFusion. After reboot, I installed DisplayFusion 3.1.5 and now I can drag a full-sized window to another monitor. I've tried to attach "DisplayFusionSetup-3.1.5.exe" to this reply so you can uninstall 3.1.6 completely then install 3.1.5.
• Attachment: DisplayFusionSetup-3.1.5.exe [912,808 bytes]
Dec 9, 2009  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you for the feedback everyone. I'm working very hard to get this issue solved, hopefully I'll have something figured out very soon. :)
Dec 9, 2009  • #16
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Is anyone here able to use the middle-click window move feature? Just middle-click in the window's titlebar to move it to the next window.
Dec 9, 2009  • #17
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have released a rebuild of 3.1.6 that should take care of this issue. Can you please download 3.1.6 again and give it another try:

If you could follow-up as well to let me know if it works it would be much appreciated. Thanks! :)
Dec 9, 2009  • #18
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Working with the new build -- thanks for the quick response! Windows 7 Enterprise x86
Dec 10, 2009  • #19
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Working with the new build on Vista Ultimate (x64).
It seems even snappier than in v3.1.5. New hook, I presume?

Oh, and if you look in one of my previous posts you'll notice I said middle clicking worked before, but that's all in the past now that it's fixed.... Thanks Jon.

One small feature request (though this isn't really the place for it): You should make the cursor change to a move cursor or a hand when you drag a maximized window titlebar. That way you get visual feedback that DisplayFusion is going to move the window for you when you move your cursor to the other monitor and release.

Thanks again.
Dec 10, 2009  • #20
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@headcase59: Thanks!

@konimotsinui: Thanks for following-up. I did see your post originally about the middle-click, I just wanted more feedback from other versions of Windows as well. :) Adding visual feedback for the maximized window dragging is something I have had on my backburner for a long time, I'll bump it up in priority so it will hopefully make the next release.
Dec 10, 2009  • #21
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Working fine again with the new version (on win xp pro). Thanks a lot.
Dec 10, 2009  • #22
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Is anyone here able to use the middle-click window move feature? Just middle-click in the window's titlebar to move it to the next window.

I now have middle click move restored after restarting after some windows updates. Although it's not the first time i've lost the middle mouse click functionality.
Moving maximised window is still not working for me and Vista.
Dec 10, 2009  • #23
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Griff389, Eule: Excellent! :)
Dec 10, 2009  • #24
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5 discussion posts
Brilliant - non-Pro version 3.1.6 working as expected now on my 32 bit XP Pro. Great support and forum. Well done and thanks.
Dec 11, 2009  • #25
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@pear_guitarist: Thanks for following-up, and I'm glad to hear it's working.
Dec 12, 2009  • #26
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3 discussion posts
Thanks for the rebuild of version 3.1.6. My VISTA can now drag a maximized window to the other monitor. I too think it is a great idea to have the cursor change to a hand when dragging a window.
Dec 14, 2009  • #27
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@ClaytonReid: Version 3.1.7 has an optional effect when dragging a maximized monitor, so that it's apparent that something is happening. :)
Dec 14, 2009  • #28
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Thank you! I can't wait until v3.1.7 is available.
Dec 15, 2009  • #29
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@Griff389, Eule: Excellent! :)

and now middle click has gone again, on 3.1.6 :-o
Dec 15, 2009  • #30
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2 discussion posts
I am still experiencing this issue, with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Evaluation Copy Build 7100, with DisplayFusion version 3.1.6. This is the only thing I use DisplayFusion for, and it seems to break with every other version release.
Dec 15, 2009  • #31
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2 discussion posts
I am still experiencing this issue, with Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Evaluation Copy Build 7100, with DisplayFusion version 3.1.6. This is the only thing I use DisplayFusion for, and it seems to break with every other version release.
Uninstalled, rebooted, cleaned temp files & registry with ccleaner, installed v3.1.6 again, restarted, now it works.
Dec 15, 2009  • #32
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
For anyone still experiencing this issue, I have released the first public beta for version 3.1.7:

Please keep in mind that this is a beta and will probably have other bugs. :)
Dec 21, 2009  • #33
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