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Mark Roberts1
3 discussion posts
About a month or so ago I installed version 10.1.2 over version 10.1.1. Since the installation I have noticed that DF takes about 5-10% CPU and the Power Usage always seems to be on Moderate or High - these are in Task Manager in my Windows 10 machine. I've read a number of threads in the discussions about similar issues, but haven't been able to resolve my issues. I decided to go back to version 10.1.1 and it seems back to normal now - 1-5% CPU and lower Power Usage - and much less lag with the mouse and window movement. I would like to stay on the most current released version, but its effects on my machine's performance were unacceptable. Is there anything that I might be able to do (settings, etc.) to get 10.1.2 to perform normally? I have used DF for a number of years and love it so I'm hoping that this can be resolved. Thanks!
Dec 28, 2023  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've got a test build for the next beta that's got some big performance improvements in it if you'd like to try it out!

Please take a backup of your settings (Settings > Options > Export) before updating and store them outside of the default folder. If you need to roll back to 10.1.2, you can download it at and install it over top of the beta.

If you'd like to give it a try, you can download it here:
Jan 2, 2024  • #2
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Mark Roberts1
3 discussion posts
Thanks Keith. I'll give this a try sometime this week.
Jan 2, 2024  • #3
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Mark Roberts1
3 discussion posts
Keith, I tried the link you sent and I'm getting a 404 page not found. Can you check it out and fix it or provide a new link? Thanks!
Jan 11, 2024  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released it publicly so it's found here now:

Jan 11, 2024  • #5
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