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Jack DeMeyers
1 discussion post
In Windows 10, I run display fusion on 3 16x9 monitors with vertical taskbars on each monitor.

MS removing the ability to move the taskbar to the vertical orientation is the single biggest blocker for me adopting Windows 11. If MS doesn't add this feature, I will hold off using Win11 for as long as possible. UNLESS...

Display Fusion to the rescue?!?

Will Display Fusion give me the ability to have a vertical taskbar on Win11?
Can I hide the MS task bar and replace it with a vertical Display Fusion taskbar?

If not, consider this my plea... any amount of support from Display Fusion on vertical taskbars would be AMAZING.
Aug 25, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Jack,

It's definitely something we could look into. We'll be sure to let you know if it's something we're able to add in the future.

Sep 14, 2021  • #2
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33 discussion posts
+1 Following this one intensively, its a total dealbreaker for me with W11 as well. :-[
Oct 1, 2021  • #3
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Kevin Scharnhorst
52 discussion posts
I am on Windows 11 and have been using DF as a taskbar replacement for a couple of years now. I prefer to have a vertical taskbar with the start menu button in the bottom left corner. I had hoped that Microsoft would improve the taskbar from Windows 10 to 11, making the DF taskbar unnecessary for me... but they did not. So I am glad that the DF taskbars still work. I just wish they'd get tied to their monitor profiles.
Oct 5, 2021  • #4
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90 discussion posts
Add me!!!
I've installed in a separate partition W11..
no way I can use that system :-(
three monitors and vertical bars
Oct 24, 2021  • #5
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weiz //22307
1 discussion post

three monitors and vertical bars

Same setup here (or was in 10 at least).

With more and more people using multiple monitors it's odd that MS now forces users with 2-3+ monitors or an ultra-wide screen, to move their head to check taskbars compared to what was an eye glance before with vertical bars.

'StartAllBack' was working on and off for me on 11 to get a vertical bar, but I'm a Windows insider on the Dev channel (pre-beta), so that probably has contributed some to my issues with it.

I wish MS would put it back, it's almost the #1 requested feature on their Feedback hub. They've clearly made it very hard to do for whatever reason as there doesn't seem to be any solid options out there. I've tried just about everything up until now; StartAllBack was the "best", but it always ended up bugging out eventually... so much so that a safe mode removal of it was required before getting a functional shell again.

If DisplayFusion is able to get vertical bars in 11 that act like they did in 10, specifically the functionality that allows you to drag the main taskbar to another monitor, which it will swap with, you've got a new/returning customer. Not to mention the tens of thousands of Windows Insiders who requested MS make these changes on their Feedback Hub ;)

Wishing everyone seeking vertical bars the best of luck!
Feb 5, 2022  • #6
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Matt Janssen
1 discussion post
I don't use side/vertical taskbars myself, but my parents don't want to update to Windows 11 without this feature. It doesn't sound like StartAllBack is such a great solution. Maybe this is a hard feature? Is MS likely to add this back?

I'll gladly buy them DisplayFusion licenses just so I don't have to support their Windows 10 systems anymore! 😆 I'm sure they would even pay a couple hundred USD bounty to support the development.
Nov 22, 2022  • #7
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Karim Sukkar
1 discussion post
Would love to see this implemented into Displayfusion. At the moment I've installed StartAllBack as a work around, but would really like this as a feature to Displayfusion. My current work laptop recently was updated to w11 and without the verticle (or even moveable) main taskbar it does get frustrating
Jul 3, 2023  • #8
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