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Alan Hill
2 discussion posts
After using Display Fusion Pro for a while now. I love it.
I have just installed Stardock WindowsBlinds and also installed Stardock Virtual Desktops.
I now have heaps of desktop space.
Is there any chance of getting Display Fusion Pro to work with Virtual Desktops?
It would be a cool feature.
Best wishes, have a great day.
Sep 25, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
What seems to be the issue you are having with Stardock Virtual Desktops? I haven't personally used that piece of software, what specific problems are you having?
Oct 1, 2010  • #2
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Alan Hill
2 discussion posts
Display Fusion Pro works fine with Desktop 1. I turned off the wallpaper on Desktop 2 and unchecked use custom wallpaper.
I removed the wallpaper entirely right clicked Display Fusion Pro/Desktop Wallpaper clicked apply. All wallpapers changed to the same wallpapers as Desktop 1. So I went into configure Virtual Desktops Desktop 2 clicked Edit/Change. I now have a single picture displayed on both monitors with Desktop 2. Everything is fine with Desktop 1 which displays two pictures one on each screen. (Desktop 1 gives me 2 screens. Desktop 2 gives me 2 more screens I now have 4 screens).
I am trying to get two pictures displaying a seperate picture on both screens with Desktop 2 which I can do with Desktop 1 but not with Desktop 2. It would appear that Virtual Desktops is unaware that there are two monitors, and Display Fusion is unaware there are two desktops. Wallpapers would have to apply to the active Desktop. Not monitor 1 and 2.
I am not complaining I am very happy with your application. It is just a wish. If it is possible.
I use Microsoft Access and often flick from one application to the other and also look up code examples on the net. My desktop gets cluttered. Yes I can maximize and minimise that's why I use more desktops so I do not have to. Personal preference I guess.
Thanks for responding
Have a great day.
Oct 1, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I would love to be able to support virtual desktops, but there are so many different virtual desktop applications right now, and they all work a bit differently. :( Sorry, I can't promise any support for this in the next release.
Oct 6, 2010  • #4
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