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Kevin Carruth
4 discussion posts
First, I just want to say I'm loving DF. It's the only software I've found that allows me to use different pools of random images for wallpaper slideshows on different monitors.

I do have a few suggestions that I would find useful (and others might also). I hope this is the right place to make such suggestions.

1. for a wallpaper that spans multiple monitors, add a variable pixel adjustment to cut out a chunk of the image interior, allowing the wallpaper to appear to go behind the monitor frames (rather than stop at one screen edge and resume at the next). A '0' pixel adjustment here would be how it currently functions.

2. for wallpapers that are being clipped due to scaling/size, add an 'alignment' lock similar to Photoshop's "resize canvas" tool, so that a border can be locked and the clipping forced to cut off the opposite edge (currently the clipping is centered). The existing pixel movement value adjustments could also be made relative to this alignment.

3. for randomized wallpaper picking, allow for an 'exceptions' list of images/directories. I often drop new images into directories that I have DF configured to pull from, and it's great that it'll automatically pick them up on-the-fly. But sometimes they don't look great as wallpapers, and rather than have to add 40 individual images (and then manually add any new image added to the directory), I'd love to be able to add one directory and specify 1 or 2 exceptions.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Dec 18, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the kind words, Kevin! All three of these items are currently on our feature request list. I've added your votes to them, and we'll definitely let you know if/when we're able to implement any of them :)
Dec 18, 2015  • #2
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