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Robert Blum
36 discussion posts

I'm using the current beta (or maybe the one just before that - see troubleshooting info). For some iterations, I've noticed that when I plug my laptop into a different monitor, rather than rearranging the wallpaper so it exists on appropriate monitors, DF does nothing. The result is a patchwork of images across the monitors. See the attached image and troubleshooting info.

Maybe some configuration setting changed to prevent the auto-rearrange. Don't know. To me it feels like a bug since no amount of searching the settings has helped me fix it. Maybe it's not obvious to me.



(PS, the beta number is no longer visible on the About tab of the settings dialog.)
• Attachment: df_monitor#fail.jpg [909,104 bytes]
• Attachment: df_monitor#fail.txt [46,196 bytes]
Aug 23, 2012  • #1
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Robert Blum
36 discussion posts
Attaching another image showing the task bars; more illustrative. Running Windows 7.
• Attachment [protected]: df_monitor#fail.jpg [3,462,333 bytes]
Aug 23, 2012  • #2
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Robert Blum
36 discussion posts
Don't know what planet I was on. I found the auto-fix setting in the Wallpaper settings button on the Desktop Wallpaper dialog. That fixed it. Don't know why it turned off when it was on in a previous release, though.

Mark this one as handled.

Aug 23, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries Robert :)

I'm not sure what would have caused it to be disabled, but I'm glad to hear that it's all fixed up now. Have a great weekend!
Aug 24, 2012  • #4
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